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I woke up and i found myself laying in bed. I heared a someone say go back to sleep and i turn and kaname was still awake, just has i was going to say something i felt like i was going to throw up so i got out of bed and ran to the bathroom and locked the door before i went to throw up.

Kaname stood by the door asking if i was ok i just keep saying yeah im ok . He then said i don't think your ok im gonna have seiren go get the doctor. just sat there frozen.

Kaname came and said she on her way now can you open the door or im i gonna have to break it. I open the door and just walked pass him. Kaname keep saying hannah what is wrong i didn't say anything.

I just walked and sat on the bed kaname sat by me saying its ok you can tell me. I looked up and said wake me when the doctor comes ok. he said ok and watch as i went back to sleep.

A hour later seiren came back with the doctor and kaname woke me up. the doctor looked at me and said that i may have a stomach flu, he told kaname to have me drink more blood and take these pill then i should be fine.

Just has the doctor was gonna leave i asked if i can talked with him in private. kaname left the room and the doctor said is there anything else you want to tell me. i said yes and whispered i think i might be pregnant.

He looked at me and said have you taking a test yet i said no i was going to see you today to find out if im right . he said ok just come by and ill have the nurse do one for you ok.

I smiled and said ok and he said just in case i want you to take these too and gave me prenatal vitamin. He left after that and kaname came back and said go back to sleep im gonna have a talked with headmaster.

I looked at him and said im coming too, he looked at me and said no I looked at him and im coming so i can talk with yuki about somethings. He said ok and we both walked out of the room and headed down the stairs.

Kaname keep looking around since we left the dorm. I stopped and kaname said what wrong i looked at him and said can you please act like were not in danger.

He looked at me said why, i said because with you acting like this worries me more and makes me want to leave so none of you get hurt.

He looked at me and said ok and we continue to walk i spotted yuki and zero and i turn to kaname and said im gonna go and ill see you back at the dorm ok.

He smiled and kiss me saying ok, i yelled yuki's name and walked to her, she was surpise to see me and i looked at zero and he knew what to do and he walked away.

I looked back at yuki and said hey how's the project going and im sorry i couldn't come yesterday.

she said oh it's fine kaname and the other's told me you were sick and it going good we already have three school that are coming to do the program.

I said wow that's cool who's all coming she pulled out at paper and said well there's old school and ouran high school host club, and the the devils of Shikō Academy and we never heared from the other schools.

I said well we still have a week left before we start so just hope we hear from the ok i said oh yeah have we heared back from the korean group too.

She said oh yeah i forgot about them. I smiled and said ok well im gonna let you go to class now since you are late. I smiled and walked away.

I was walking back to the drom when zero came out from the tree and said what time are we gonna leave. i said once i wake up aido.

He said why is he coimg i said because i want him to, he said ok i'll wait by the gate i said ok and ill call my driver before i get to the dorm ok and just like that i walked away.

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