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I just stood behind kaname and looked at aaliyah and said your a hunter like noah she said yeah and i know all about you. i had the same mission as noah.

But we became friends and i didn't want to hurt you so now that way im saying to take me with you to cross acadeemy.

I slowly walke out form behind him and walked up to aaliyah and hug her and then zoey who was still shock joined in on the hug.

Kaname looked at the time and said we need to go so we pulled away and we grabed all there bags and started back too the car.

About halfway to the car we ran into noah, he looked at me and smile i just looked away. He said did you just come here to see me or no.

Be trying not to get kaname mad and said no i came to get my friends. He looked at me and said are you sure, thats when kaname know something was up.

He step back alittle to help me but noah stop him by kissing me. kaname then got so mad he drop all the bags he had and ran up to noah and was choking i stop him by huging him.

I said kaname stop i love you and only you why do think i have a necklace that says Hannah&kaname. He then let go of him and trun and hug me i looked at noah ad said i told you before that i loved him not you so stop trying or else.

He just laugh and said now i know why my mom and dad killed your parents, and now telling me to kill you. I looked at him piss and said what do you mean.

He laugh and said thats another story for another time and ran off. Kaname hug me and said don't listen to him i'll keep you safe no matter what.

We got back to the car aaliyah and zoey said finally your come but stop we i looked at themwith tears in my eye they said sorry, I said don't be its not form what you said it because of what noah said i then ask zeoy to drive.

She said ok and her and aaliyah got in the front while me and kaname sat in the back. I looked kanem and said help them get back im alittle sleep ok. he said ok and let me sleep.

When i woke up i was in my room and kaname was beside me i smiled and got up to get so blood that was in the kitchen. as i walked in i seen thats zoey was sitting down eating ice cream.

I just walked in grabed my drink and sat a cross form her. I looked at her and slowly said im sorry that this is all still shocking to you. But i nevered wanted to hide this form you guys but i had too for the sake of my life.

She looked up and said thats ok i kind of know long time ago, I looked at her and said how ,she smiled and said im a halfblood i choked on my drink when she said halfblood, she conitnued and said i seen you at a couple. party's when we were small.

i said how come i never seen you at any party or talk to you. she said i know about kaname too and my family really didn't like me going out after i was all most bitten by a level E .

Oh i see thats why we never talk. She said no that's not why we never talk its because i was too shy to say anything to you or kaname.

I smiled and said well at Least now were friend that when i got up and went back too bed. i had a hard time falling asleep so i just layed there think. Then my eyes seen a picture by my bed i grabed and said where did this come form.

I looked at it and i started to cry it was a picture of me and my mom and dad just before they died. i layed down and hug it and fall asleep.

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