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Everyone came in the room and kaname left to talk with the hunters. ruka looked at me and said what the matter you look like you were crying.

I looked at her said i was, she said why ,At that point i got mad and yelled because im prengnant. That when everyone looked at me shocked.

They all said at once dose kaname know, I looked at them and said no becuase he's already worried and stress and i don't want him to worry even more.

Just as they were gonna say something kaname came in and told everyone to be on guard at all time. i looked at him and he i think its time you change your halfbloods in to full bloods i said ok.

The first the one to be bit was Ivy then andy then ajay once i did that they keep screaming in pain. Kaname had akatsuki and takuma and senri and rima guard the day students dorm.

He also had seiren tell headmaster the story of hunters coming for a visit and to have him keep the day students in there dorm and to also have the night class guardians help.

with everything going on kaname didn't leave my side he had me sleep most of the time. But sometimes i got so tired of just sleeping so I sat on the bed and started talking with the baby.

I kinda of forget kaname was in the room so everytime I would say something to my baby kaname would answer I would look at him and laugh I was gonna say something but then were heard a loud boom.

I got scared and wrapped my arms around my stomach. Kaname got up to see what happened. All he told me is that the hunter just blocked the gates. I then said kaname let me go see why they want me ok.

He looked at me and said ok but I'm coming. I said ok but we have to leave with letting the others see us. He ok and open the window. I then got out of bed and walk over to him.

I jumped out of the window with kaname right behind me and we started walking towards the hunters. Once we got close to the hunters I seen that they brought noah with them.

Me and kaname walked out from behind the trees and Noah looked at us and said what do you want. I said I'm here to find out why you guys are looking for me.

Noah said come with me but you have to stay behind kaname kuran. Kaname then gave a look and said scream and I'll come and get you. I said ok and followed Noah we walked a little ways from kaname.

I looked at noah and said what do want with me. He oh its not me who want you, just then i seen another person come out from behind a tree.

I stood shock as angel came out with some hunters, I was gonna scream when noah covered my mouth while others hold my arms. Angel walked over to and was getting ready to hit me in the stomach. I bit noah hands and scream for kaname.

He came in a hurry but when he pushed angel away some more hunters came and was holding him too. Angel looked at him and why do you keep choosing her over me.

He said because i fell in love with her before she left this school and there nothing you can do about that? she smiled and hit me just above my stomach.

I fell to my knee in pain and said angel plz stop. she why should stop when you always take whats mines. kaname then said i was never your's. she said shut up to kaname and looked back at me and answer me, I looked at kaname and then back to angel and i said..............


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