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Once I said that my uncle and auntie just looked at me so shocked and started asking what I'm was gonna do? I looked at them and I'm gonna keep the baby.

My looked at kaname and said and are you gonna help with the  child. Kaname nodded then my uncle and auntie both sigh and said ok.

My uncle looked at me with sad eye and just left my auntie did the same. once they were gone i just sat on the bed and cried. kaname tried his best to calm me down.

I cried so much that he had to use his powers to put me to sleep. The next morning i had a really bad headache and my morning sickness started back up.

after taking my medicine I layed back down to rest a little more but  i couldn't lay good because the baby keep moving and kaname keep trying to hold me so i just got up and went for a walk.

I walk towards the water fountain and sat down to play with the water and Has i was playing with the water.  I was talking to my baby and asking question and every time im finish he or she moves.

Just when i was gonna ask another question i heard someonne call my name so i look the way its coming form. and come to find out it was kaname.

I didn't say anything and he walked right by me and when he was a bit far i ask if i should have answer him. The baby started to kick which made me  laugh.

I was laughing so hard that kaname heard me and ran to me with worrie on his face . i tried my best to tell him that the baby was kicking.

I couldn't talk so i just put his hand on my stomach which made him jump as the baby kick. We sat like that for ten minutes until zero and yuki find us.

yuki asked what we were doing and i said just sitting here. Just as zero was gonna say something the baby kick and zero got scared.

kaname told zero it was just the baby move. Zero looked a little bit relax i smiled and yuki asked if she can i said yeah , i looked at zero and said do you want to feel too.

Zero looked at kaname first, kaname said it was fine. zero was scared at first but later he was fine, I smiled Then i heard yuki say that the
foreign exchange program starts tomorrow.

I looked at her and said are you sure. she said yeah i just came back form the headmaster office before we came here. I got up and started walking back to the drom.

Kaname ran to me and said hey whats the matter i said if the programs tomorrow then i need to do some work before i do something else. he said ok and walked with me to the room.

I put on my uniform and grabbed my books and walked out of the room i told kaname i was gonna go to the class room to study, he said that day class students are still there.

I said i know but i just need to study if im gonna be busy tomorrow and i walked out after saying that i didn't wait for his answer.

Once i walked into the class everyone looked at me and started to say thing, i walk to the teacher and said im only here to study and if its ok with you that i stay here.

The teacher said yes it ok and also congratulation. i looked at her and said how do you know she said that the headmaster told them.

just as i was gonna walk to the back where no one was at one of the students ask why she told me congratulation.

i looked at her and said well im pregnant, everyone looked at me shocked one boy asked who was dad and smiled and said  kaname all the girls got mad and another ask what im having i smiled and said i won't know until tomorrow.

just then the teacher said ok enough question she need to study and so do you so leave her be, just like that they all went back to work i pulled out my books and started reading and taking note's.

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