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The next day i woke and went down stairs to get some food but i bumped into akatsuki and Aido, I looked at them and keep walking but i stop when they said sorry.

I turn and said for what like i said it was my fault not his or your's. They said no not that but we're sorry for getting mad at you and not listening to you.

I said ok and kept walking once I got to the dining room zoey and aaliyah look at me said Let's have a pool party. I said ok and walked out to look for my uncle or auntie but i ran into ruka and rima,ivy,ajay,andy and i just walked around them because they are still mad at me.

But Ajay said we're sorry ok hannah we know you never asked him to do that and he said it him self after you ran out he got mad and said it was all his idea and we ran after you but you hidden  yourself in your uncle arms.

I looked at them and said ok why is everyone doing this, I said it was my fault not him just then kaname walked in and looked at me and everyone and said what going on .

I then said it because of you, if you never burned your hand then maybe everyone would stop saying sorry to me. and just like that i turn back around and went back to aaliyah and zoey.

Once i got back i said yeah its ok and garbed a egg and bacon with bread and started eating.Once we were  done we walked out and got ready. ON the way back down i ran into kaname he looked at me and said I know your mad but can we please enjoy these last two days before we go back to school.

I smiled and said ok and i'll forgive them and now go get change were going to have a pool party, just before he said something zoey grabbed me and pulled me down tha stairs at the bottom we heard please be careful with my girlfriend.

once we got to the door that lead to the in door pool, my uncle and auntie was looking at me weird and they said oh so that your swim suit i said what wrong. I looked at by suit then they said you showing too much skin, i laugh and said yeah that's how it's suppose to look. They said ok but were going to get you a new one tomorrow. I said ok and ran out the door.

Once i close the door kaname yelled hey what about us i open the door and there was everyone i smiled and said welcome in. they ran in akatsuki and senri both throw aido in the pool, I laugh then kaname looked at me and said now your turn in a very deep voice.

I ran and hid behind Ichiro everyone laugh because i ran and hid, I smiled and ran out and dive in to the pool.

That we played in the pool until 4:30 Then my uncle said to go and change for dinner and before we left he said that dinner will be in the back yard.

They all said ok and ran out the door and up the stairs me and kaname and my uncle and auntie just laugh about how fast they ran.

I smiled and looked at kaname and how well hm and my uncle get along. My auntie and looked at me and said now that a good picture.I looked at her and yeah.

Then i told kaname i think its time to change, He said ok and started runing i laugh and ran after him. I ran all the way to my room.

i ran through my bed room door after i open it i stop and Caught my breath and then i walked to the closet and grab one of my summer dresses and some flats and change real fast becausee there was a knock on my door.

After i change i open it and kaname walked in and said i need help picking out my clothes i looked at what he had and i picked a black short pants with  a red shirt. He change right and front of i had to look away when he got to the pant,

After we finish we walked down stair and out the back door and sat down to eat we had a whole BBQ meal, ten minutes in aido had BBQ sauce all over his mouth and we laugh about him because rima had to help him.

We all had fun laughing and singing and playing games and just spending i looked at my phone and whispers to kaname that it time to go to bed becuase we are going back to the school tomorrrow instead of friday.

We told evryone about the plan so they all went to bed , before i  walk to go to bed i huged my uncle and auntie and said thx for the best brithday present and walked up to my room.

Halfway to my room i seen kaname walked to his room but i stop him and said come sleep with me, he said why and i said because i miss my boyfriend i was mad at you for almost the whole week so can you.

He smile and ok and we walked back to my room and layed down and huged each other and said good night and i love you then we fell alseep. I had somewhat of a nightmare but i feltt arms pull me closer they stop adn i got to sleep more.


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