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I woke up like at 3:00  in the morning by yelling. I was so tried but I still got up to see who it was. When I open my door kaname was standing there with Ichiru.

I said Ichiru it's ok let him go.  So he did and before he left I told him not to tell my auntie and uncle. he nod and walked away. I then let kaname into my rooom.

once he came in, i close the door and walked to my bed and sat down. I sat quietly wanting for him to talk. He just  sat on the other side of the bed.I just sigh and got up because i needed the bathroom but i got pulled back down.

I then said hey let me go i need the bathroo ,then he cut me off my putting his head on my neck part and started to breath very slowly. This made me intense because his breath was going down my neck.

He then said im sorry hannah but with you leaveing me andI won,t  not telling me where you went. I won't let you go even if is your brithday.

I then felt tears on my neck, I turn to him and hug him and said i know you don't want me to go but it only a week so you can still come with us.

He pulled away smiling and said ok i'll go but im not going to talk with him even if he wants too. I smiled and said ok and i'll be right back and ran out of the room and into the bathroom, before i pee on myself.

When i came back kaname was sleeping so i crawled in next to him and feel into a deep sleep. The next morning my auntie and uncle came to wake me up but come to find out i was already awake and with kaname.

My uncle got alittle mad and said when we get home i don't want him to be in your room what so ever. Kaname made it even worst by say that we share a room in the dorm. with all the yelling i finally said enough , that made both of themm stop.

I then said can i finish packing now or were not going now. My auntie yes you can and yes were still going it just that your uncle finally wants to be a dad, I smiled and laugh well packing.

When finish i called ichiru and told him to put my bags in the car along with my gifts that i forgot to open after the party. He said yes mama and your guards are here. I said ok and thank you i turn to kaname and said are you going to get your bags or no.

He said its ok ill have someone bring me close later i said ok and walked out of the room. i keep walking then i heard im just kidding i had Seiren pac it for me before i came last night i laugh and said ok.

I walked down the stairs and ran into zero, I said sorry and helped him up and ask why he was here, He said i came with yuki and sayori to saay good bye the my brother asked if we can help move your stuff to the car.

I oh ok well im gonna go , then i started walk then i stop and said kaname before come down grab my phone and the charger in my the bed and the phone is under my pillow.

Just then zero said what kaname here i said yeah and came like at 3 this morning and remeber we had a fright so he came to make up but him and your brother were yelling at each other before he went to my room.

Just then kaname came with my phone and said that someone sent a message to struggle bus i oh ok that must be aaliiyah and zoey tell me good bye i totally forgot they are leaving today back to AICM.

So i unlocked it and text back, just the yuki came to tell us that my uncle and auntie left and the car with the bags let too so i just one car for us to ride in.

We got to the car and rima and ivy said finally you came at the same time everybody laugh i gave yuki and sayori a huig and said see you in a week i was just about to hug zero when kaname pulled me into the car and close the door.

I said hey and roll down the window becuase the car was already leaving i yell bye zreo and sorry, I roll it back and the driver said that it was going to take six hours to get there so i said ok.

For about two hour we talk about how much fun were going to have and we planed to have a cook out. like three everyone fell asleep i had ear phone on and kaname pull me on he's lap because ajay was, squishing me against him.

I smiled and toke out one and put it in his ear and we sat there listening to Bts, when it got to mic drop i was getting sleepy so i close my eyes and put my head on kaname shoulders and fell asleep.


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