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I pause the movie and ran to open the door and yelled what do you want you're ruining a good movie. Kaname looks at me with his piss-off face and said why are Ruka and rima not in class. I said because I ask them to join my party now my you leave so when can finish the movie.

And with that said I close the door and ran back and push play. I turn the movie off when I saw that Ajay and they were sleeping. I then ask Ruka and rima to help me get blankets for them. so we walked into the hall and went to a closet grabbed every blanket we find and walked out.

As we walked back to my room Senri and Akatsuki stop us and said lady Hannah lord Kaname wishes to see you now. I said okay tell him I'll be there in a bit. just then Kaname said no we need to talk now I look and see that he was standing by them.

I turn and said Ruka may you take these to my room and put them on the girls please and wait there for me. I turn the other way and said rima my you clean up the pizza and chips and popcorn mess but leave the movies, I'll put them away myself.

I walk off to the front door with Kaname following me. we walk until we were halfway between the moon dorm and the gate.

I just stood there waiting for whatever Kaname wanted to talk about, just as I was going to say something Kaname started yelling say why did you close the door on me and when did I say it was ok to have day class students stay over?

I've never been so scared of him in my life, I just said Kaname I'm sorry I forgot the rules since I been gone I had to learn new rules and I forgot about the dorm rules here and the reason why I slammed the door in your face is that we were watching a good movie and you were running it.

Kaname just stayed quiet until I said you know what I should have never come back. He then said why? because I thought coming back to being with my friends and you would make me feel safe and not push to use my powers but no it's the same here.

I ran back to my room, I told Ruka and rima to stay by my side when we go to class tonight, and with that said I had them leave. just as they close the door everyone started to wake up.
when they were fully awake I said let me show you back to your dorm. and with that, we walked out of my room.

At the bottom of the stairs, Kaname was waiting for me. I just looked at him as I pass by with my friends. when we got to the day dorm I saw Yuki zero and sayori. I scream and ran and hug sayori. Sayuri was so shocked that she could only cry saying is this real or not.

I cried saying it is real I'm back. Yuki had the other girls run and get change. zero walked away when Yuki satori and I started talking. I wanted to stay with them but I had to leave before I get into more trouble with Kaname so I walked back to my dorm. before I went in I saw Angel and she was talking with Kaname.

I just walked by them but I felt someone grab me I thought it was an angel until I heard I'm sorry but like I told I'm with Hannah and I'm sorry can't let you transfer into the night class.

Just then angel was going to hit me but Kaname pulled me out of the way.

I'm sorry but it's time to go and if I were you I wouldn't want to hit the queen of Cross academy. These people here can do a lot of things to make you sorry for missing their queen.

And with that said Kaname pick me up and ran back to the dorm once inside he tried to drag me to his room. but I yelled to let me go which then got aido and Akatsuki's attention and they run over as fast as they can to help me.

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