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I woke up the next day to my phone ringing so half asleep i answer it, I said hello then there was a lot of screaming then i heared we are sorry hannah but we really need your help it was aaliyah and zoey .

Help you with what, they said they ask there family if they can tranfer to cross academy, they said yes but they can't take them and when they were going to leave angel found out where they're going and now they can't leave.

So I said you need me to come pick you up. They said YES PLEASE so i said ok nut im not at the school so you'll just have to stay with me until i go back .
They said ok then i told them let me get ready and ill be there like at 4:00.

They hung up afterward and i got up and change really fast and walk out the door. i got to the last step and kaname and everyone was in the living room having tea so i walked in and said auntie i'll be back later and im taking the car.

Just as i was going to  walk out kaname said im comingg with you and got up and started walking to the door, I just sigh and keep walking once i got in the driver side ajay came running out saying im coming too.

I said no because im going to pick up some people and they have a lot of bags. after i said that i started the drove away. About two hours into the drive
we had to stop and get gas .

After we got gas i got back into the car i was so quiet but then kaname said im sorry i should have told them that i wanted to help you and not let you take the fall, But after you ran out of your uncle arms when we look at you running then you auntie had us be lock in the same room until we forgive each other.

We got there after he said all those words i just turn to him and hug him and said im glad you made up and i know but really i was the one who ask for help. I started laughing and said what's funny? I pulled away and said im hungry with a big smile and he said for what now, so i came closer to him and whisper in his saying your blood.

He looked at me and smile and said go ahead but the too many people around. I sat there think then i said how about i tell aaliyah and zoey what we are and maybe one of them can let us use there room. he said are you sure. I siad yes and said ok then we got off the car and started walking to the dorm.

I was so scared to be back here again and i seen that everyone was looking at me wierd and kaname kind of seen that so he grab and hind me in his chest i was getting hot i was going to say something then i heard are you guys the one who made angel go nuts.

I turn and there was jamie angels best friend, i just looked at her and told kaname lets hurry, right when we walked pass her she grab my arms and said just because your going to a different school doesn't mean that we forgot who you are loser. Kaname then turn to her and said how dare you talk that way to my girlfriend.

He keep talking the he pulled me hard and jamie let go and ran off afterword because he almost hit her. but we continue and when we got there i ran into angel and she looked piss she said what we were doing here i said nothing and keep walking i knock on zoey and aaliyah room they answered.

Aaliyah turn to zoey and said she here i walked in and kaname followed and then aaliyah close the door because we had something to tell them. so i told them to sit down and i started to say we are vampire but kaname bit my wrist then my body act so fast at the smell of his blood the i grab it and drank it in front of them.

After iwas done i turn and they were shock zoey was in a ball and aaliyah pulled out her hunter knife that she had in her shoes i got scared and hidden behind kaname

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