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When we got outside the headmaster's office. I heard Mr. Toga talking with the headmaster about me. I ran in after I heard that I need to leave cross now and hide for my safety.

I then said I don't care about how much danger I'm in. I'm not going to leave my friends. I already left them once and I'm not leaving them again. besides, there are more people here that I care about too.

Kaname then spoke to say that I would stay at the moon dorm guard by the people I choose and that I would only leave for classes and nothing more.

Just then I smelled blood and it was Andy's blood. so I ran out leaving everyone lost. just as I got outside, just in time to stop zero from biting Andy and Aido had ivy and Ajay trap. I scream making all of them scared Aido kneeled and zero stayed frozen.

I then said Zero come take my blood. so he let Andy go and walked and lick my neck before piercing my skin. He drank until I said stop. Andy Ivy and Ajay said They are vampires and you're not scared by them Hannah, why is that?

I turn to look at the school and said because I'm a vampire too, just then they scream saying that's so awesome can we become one too. It's only one bite, right? just then Ajay tried to make Aido bite her but he said I'm sorry but only a pureblood can turn you.

I was so weak from zero bites that I never heard what they ask me to do. I sat down and said what was it again? Ivy, Andy, and Ajay sat down next to me and said can you turn us, Aido said you are pureblood and only you can turn us. They all then said can you Hannah.

As I was going to speak Kaname then said no she can't. I turned and looked up at him and said sorry Kaname but you don't make the decision for me anymore, I turned back to them and said I'll make you half-vampire on the day I need you the most I'll make you full blood.

They said ok and I bite my wrist letting my blood run, I then told them to drink my blood so they take turns. After all of them had enough their eyes turn half red and I said you still would have to drink blood so I think it's best if you move to the night class too.

Kaname picked me up I looked at zero and said come see me tomorrow and I'll tell you why I  agreed to them being half-blood. Aido and everyone walked with us back to the dorm. I told the girls they can sleep in my room. and I called for Rima to get blankets for them, just when I wanted to get out of Kanama hold.

But just then Kaname carried me off to his room, I said to Kaname I'm too weak after he laid me down and close the door, he then walked over to the bed, sat down, and told me to drink his blood.

I lick the skin and bit it letting the blood fill my mouth. when I had a mouth full I move away and swallowed. After that, I fell back on Kaname and he said you know the headmaster is going to be mad about what you did. I just said yeah I know in a sleepy voice and fell asleep.

I woke up at 3:30 pm with a knock on the door. I looked up and saw that Kaname was still sleeping. I moved very slowly and answer the door. when I open the door Takuma said I'm sorry my lady but is Kaname awake I need to talk with him.

I looked back and slowly stepped out making Takuma move back as I close the door. And said I'm sorry Takuma but Kaname is very tired after a stormy night. I need you to tell Rima,Senri, Akatsuki,Aido, and Ruka that I wish to speak with them in the living room area. he then bowed saying ok I shell wake them up just as he walked away I said Takuma I need you there too so join us when you get everyone ok He then said ok madam and continue walking away.

I then walked to my room. once there I see that everyone was still sleeping so I walked in quietly and grab my BTS crop top shirt and the short pant and walked to the bathroom and change fast and walked out quickly and quietly so I don't wake anyone up.

As I got to the stairs I saw that everyone is there waiting for me. I laugh because Aido looks so funny sleeping on Akatsuki's lap.
I woke him up and said ok here's why I called you here.

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