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The next few days I woke up with really bad stomach pain it hurted so much that I couldn't go and say bye to the others that came for the foreign exchange program.

I layed in bed screaming in pain kaname tried his best to make it stop that's when I felt the bed and it was wet, that's when I realized that I was in labour I looked at kaname and it's time.

He said ok and called ruka and rima to help me to the car while him and the others get the bags and thing well need. When I was in the car the pain got a lot worse.

When we got to the hospital I nurse's helped me onto a bed and took me to my room one checked how far I was and she said it was time for me to push so she had someone get the doctor

I looked at kaname before the doctor came he looked scared I ask if he was ok he said not really I said why he looked at me and said what if they grow up to hate me.

I lifted my hand and he grabbed it I said don't think that you are gonna be a great dad and after I said that the doctor came in, smiled and said are you guys ready to meet your babies.

I smiled and said yes we're ready, after 20 minutes of pushing my beautiful baby girl came and 20 minutes push later came my beautiful baby boy,  the time for my shirayuki kuran was 12:50 am and for my Zen kuran is 1:10 am they both where born on November 25.

We stayed at the hospital for three days kaname had trouble trying to learn how to change a diaper but me and the nurses tried our best to help him, after we got out we went back to the dorm just to get our things and to show everyone the twins.

But when we got back I seen that everyone was acting weird kaname give me Zen and said he was gonna get the bag I said ok, and I sat on the couch just then someone knocked on the door and aido answer it and it was yuki and zero.

They didn't know that we were back so when yuki walked in she scream then the babies started crying I tried my best to claim them down and zero was yelling at yuki telling her not to scream again.

When he finish he asked if he can whole on I smiled and said of course and careful gave him Zen he smiled and said did you have both boys, I said no I had a girl and a boy.

Just then kaname finish getting all the bags, yuki looked at me and said where are you guys going, I smiled and were taking the babies home, that when everyone got quiet.

I took a deep breath and said me and kaname had a talk while we stayed in the hospital we decided that it was best if we went back home that way everyone don't have to suffer the pain of the kids crying at anytime.

After I said that kaname took Zen out of zero arms and I ask shiki, akatsuki and aido if they can take the bags to the car for us they said as you wish my lady. Everyone just stayed quiet and watch us leave I stopped and turn back and said you can still visit us if you want then I left.

Hey guys so sorry to tell you but the book is coming to a end, the next two chapter are the last one, I hope you love the book and I hope you can show love to my other book I wrote well until next time

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