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Kaname woke me up when the car stop we got out but I was still a little sleepy so when we got in to the house I ask my auntie where my room was she said on the fourth floor the last room at the end.

I said ok then turn to kaname and said can you care me up to my room please, he laugh and smile and said ok. He picked me up bridal style and cared me to my room.

When we got to the second floor aido, akatsuki, senri,rima, ruka, ivy, andy, ajay were helping Ichiru care all my stuff. I smile and hug kaname tighter and fell asleep. later that evening i woke up hungry, but i couldn't move so i open my eyes and there was kaname laying on me.

i was shocked because i thought he would leave me right after he put me in bed then i remembered what he said last night i just smiled and slowly move my arms out to wrap it around him.

once i got it out he mumbled for me not to move i smiled and whispered i was hungry. It's was not until my stomach started to make sounds that he finally move and i got up but fell back down laughing because my legs was numb.

Kaname laugh and picked me up and help me down the stairs, when we got to the bottom i finally could walk good so we went to the kitchen and i looked in the refrigerator to see what I can cook.

I seen that we have pork chops,and vegetables to make a salad so i thought why not have pork chops with salad. I told kaname what i was going to make.

I ask him to help but he said he didn't know how to cook, I smile and said what and learn i grab a pan and started putting oil in there when it got hot i put the meat in kaname got scaered when i the oil started to pop out.

I laugh and said just watch it then flip it with the fork next to the pan when its somewhat burn on the bottom. He stood looking at me while i was cuting the vegetables.

I looked at him and said what, He said how do you know how to cook, I smiled and said when i lived with my human family my mom told me when i was like 7 years old that it was time for me tto grow up. So ever since then i never got to play or go out i had to go to school come home and start my chores and cook dinner for everyone.

He said im sorry while fiping the meat i said its ok just then he burn him self he yelled really loud.I walked over to him and i grab a rag and put it under cold water and wraped it around his hand and yelled again.

Then everyone came running in and said what's wrong, I laugh and said big baby here burn hs hand. Thst's when ruka said how i said i was teaching him how to cook then i remeber that the meat was still on and it was burning so i ran and turn it off.

I turn and everyone expect ivy,andy,ajay were looking at me mad. I said what thats when rima said how can you just let lord kaname burn him self, At that point Rima,aido, akatsuki, and ruka were blaming me for him geting hurt.

I look at kaname and said im sorry and you can have the food because now im not hungry. I started to walk out but stop and said and another thing just leave me alone this whole week because it look's im not the one who need's a guards.

I ran out up to my room but i bumped into my uncle, He looked at me and seen thati had tears in my eye just then everyone walked came out of he kitchen then he started yelling at kanname saying what did you do.

I stayed there in his arms crying while he yelled at kaname when kaname yelled back thats when i yell stop and just leave me alone and ran up to my room.

Once there i lock the door and layed on my bed i grabed out my phone and turn on the truth untold and layed there and fell asleep.

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