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I woke up form a horrible dearm but when i tried to get up  i got pulled back down. so i looked down and there were arms holding me so look when i heared someone say goodmorning.

I then turn and there was kaname,i said what are you doing he then shush me saying i might wake up ajay and them again. i said what do you mean again?

So when you went to bed, i was still talking with takuma in my room, when andy ran in saying that you won't waking up, so i ran to your room and ajay and ivy were trying to get you to wake up and to stop you form hitting them.

So i ran to pick you up but you keep saying no  i don't want to hide in there mommy. then you claim down after i got you, i sat there holding you for awhile then i started to get sleepy so i layed you down and you wouldn't let me go so i layed by you and fell asleep.

I layed there wanting to for get my dreams, I then ask kaname if i can go and walked around the schoolso i can clear my head he said sure but take someone with you.

I then got up and change into a long black pant and a purple shirt that had black and white roses. i then walked to the stairs when i seen aido i ask him to walk with me.

we walked all the way to the fountain i then sat there playing with the water, aido looked at me aand said i never seen a pureblood look so sad and happy at the same time. I said becuase i went and talked with lady shizuka about my pass.

I think thats why i had horrible dreams. just then Mr toga came walking towards us. i then said why didn't you go back to the school. He then laugh saying that he was transfering to cross and is going to be teaching the night class.

I said oh well i hope they treat you with respect. He then ask why i was looking so sad. i told him that last night i had dreamed about my parents. i told him tht i never had a dreamed about then in seven years.

He then said maybe thats becuase the day the died is coming up, i said no it's until another month i thought. Aido said no its next week wednesday.

I sat there shock and mumbled so that means it only two more weeks until i turn 18, After the talk with toga i left back to the dorm to change into my night class uniform becuase tonight im going to be back in class.

As i sat next to kaname in the back of the class i couldn't pay attention so i just looked out the window and listen to my phone lost in the music i didn't know that aname was trying to talk with me.

He then pulled my earphones out and said are you ok you don't look to good. I then said i need to go so i got up and walked out into the hallway and went and sat at some stairs.

I sat for 5 minutes until ruka and akatsuki came to get me. i then said lets go to the old night dorm. Ruka said why whats ther my lady. I then said i need to see my auntie.

We made our way that when headmaster cross ask why are we going there.  i then told him that Ichiru said my auntie shizuka is there and i need to see her about so things important.

He said does kaname know that your auntie is here. i said no he doesn't and i don't plan on tell him anytime soon and he sigh and let us continue once i got there i told ruka and akatsuki to leave and don't come for me. and don't tell kname where im at even if he begs you to tell him where im at ok.

They then said ok but it won't be easy. I said i know but i really night to be alone right now and find out more about my pass but can you please take notes for me .and with that they left, i walked in and went to her i told her if i can stay with her for a while. she agree i also ask if she can hide my present.

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