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Just when he was gonna move closer to me yuki and them came out the two girl so happy to be here when i was gonna say bye to mage he was already walking away, i just said ok in my mind and i look at yuki and ask if she can come.

just then zero came and said we have work, yuki said sorry and walked after zero, i grabbed her and said im not letting you go that fast and i pulled her with me to the dorm, when we got closer to the moon dorm zero was yelling saying that yuki has work.

I yelled back and said that ill talk to headmaster after tell him why she didn't work he stopped and walked away. when we pass the gate for moon dorm the night boys were going to class, kaname was walking last like always.

Just as he pass i grabbed his hand and said i want you at the party i don't care if ruka don't like it but your right the father sould be at the party too. he smiled and walked back with us.

the door open and i seen all the beautiful decorations and also aido,senri,and akatsuki i asked what they are doing they all said that they are gonna be our servants for the night.

i smiled and they showed us to the room where everyone was when i walked in everyone was talking until they seen me and they all ran to hug me. i smiled and cryed a little for all the love i was getting.

just when i sat down i seen a my auntie walk in with some bags i looked at kaname and whisper who told her about the party?
just then aido said that ruka invited her.

She walked over to me and hugged me like nothing was wrong and that we never had argument. Then she seen kaname that when she said i still think you shouldn't keep the baby. She also said that she has a human family that is looking for a vampire baby to adopt that when i got mad and said well im sorry auntie but im not giving up my baby boy and girl .

Just then everyone got quiet ,i looked at ruka and said now you know why i didn't want my auntie coming i had kaname help me get up, as i was walking out i told everyone thank you for coming and thank you for the gift and im sorry but i just need to go and i was out.

kaname wanted to follow me but i told him no just let me and baby be alone ok, he nodded his head and i walked to the school i sat in the class where the night students are having class one of the boys looked at me and ask if i was ok i said yeah im fine. i put my head on the desk and fell asleep, when i woke up i was in the dorm laying next to kaname, i looked at him and ask if he was awake, he said yes im , i then ask how i got here.

He looked at me and said that zero brought me back because i was sleeping in the classroom and mr toga tried waking me up but i was dead asleep, i said oh ok then i looked at  him and said is she still here, he said no she left a few minutes after you walked out she told me to tell you not to come crying to her if your having problems i just sighed and went back to sleep.

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