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I stayed with shizuka for two weeks. I learn a lot of thing form her and she even told me about how my dad act when he was little. She even taught me new things that i can do with my powers.

One day ruka,akatsuki,senri,and rima came to visit me they told me that kaname has not left his room since i went missing and he won't even talk with anybody. I sigh and said so he's being a toddler then.

I then turn to my auntie and said i think its time for me to tell him where i been hiding. she nod and said how about we though a brithday party since your brithday is tomorrow .

I then ask ruka to call headmaster,yuki and zero for me. and i told akatsuki to get the others. And with that they left.
About 10 minutes yuki,zero,and headmaster came.

I told headmaster and yuki to decorate the ball room and get the food ready. and i asked zero to tell kaname that im back tomorrow night. They agree and yuki and headmaster left except zero.

He said hannah can we talk about you and kaname alone please. i said ok and shizuka left the room and then i told him to talk. He said i know you love each other but why put each other in a bad place by leaving and not saying where you went.

I then said becuase i needed time to clear my head and find out more about my pass and i wanted to spin time with my auntie. Zero  then walked up to me and lifted my chin and kiss my lips.

I push him away and said why did you do that when you already know that im with kaname. he said becuase i have fall in love with you since the ball.

I sigh and zero im sorry but im not the one for you beside i can't betray kaname. After that talk he left. 5 minutes went by and ruka and the other finally came i told them that i need someone to get me a dress and to do my hair,and makeup.

Ivy agreed to help ruka with my hair. Andy and Ajay agreed to my makeup and Rima,senri,aido,akatsuki sad they'll get my dress and shoes i told them it had to be black with alittle bit of red. they said ok and everyone left.

That night me and my auntie were having fun until someone came knocking on the door she
had ichiru go and get it when he came back he looked sad. Then someone that looked like senri came in.

Auntie who is this. He then spoke saying is this how you treat your uncle. I got shock and looked at Auntie. she thengot up and walked to him and said its good to see you again honey.

He said same goes to you and they kiss witch made me feel like a little kid again. They laugh when i said eww gross. He walked away form her and hug me.

He then said so what are you guys doing .I said imm turn 18 tomorrow and im planing a party to tell kaname where i have been i hiding and why you guys are here.

He then looked at shizuka and whisper did you tell her yet .She said no i didn't. i then said tell me what, he turn to me and said that he plan on taking me with him and shizuka to visit my old home and live there for awhile.

I was happy but sad because i wanted to stay with kaname. I ask if i can bring some people with me . They said yes you can but idk if kaname would even like staying a week with rido and me.

I said ill try my best to have him forgive you on killing his mom and dad. and with that said shizuka told me to go and sleep if i want this plan to work, i hug them and walked to my room and layed down and fell alseep happy.

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