Stayed Up

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The sun was setting. I drove home from work on autopilot. Tonight had been an interesting night. Like clockwork, Gabi and Nick had simultaneously sent me messages while I'd been on my shift. 

Gabi: Are you done being mad?

Nick: How many times can I say sorry? I'm not a cokehead, I'm a Lucia-head (crazy 4 you)

Nick: And yes I know you're going to roll your eyes in disgust but it's true!

I hadn't answered either of them. Maybe I'd blown things out of proportion with Gabi. Maybe with Nick? I hadn't decided. I got home and Isabel was painting her nails on the living room carpet. She nudged her head towards the flowers on the coffee table. "For you." The little note just said, sorry for the coke. -Nick 

I wanted to laugh. Finally I opened a message for Nick. 

I did roll my eyes. 

Nick: But you still love me 

I bit my tongue. He tossed the word so casually into the message, but maybe he expected me to tell him? Here I was overthinking everything.

I started a new message for Gabi. 

I was still mad, but I did some coke with Nick and now I'm ok

She responded immediately. Not funny!!!!!!!!

Gabi: Let's go out for dinner. I got a promotion at work and I feel like spending. 

Gabi: Tomorrow night. You, me, Van, and Nick. 

I bit my tongue again. Fine, whatever you wish!


Nick was in a super lovey mood. He gripped me in a half hug as we walked, planting small kisses on my cheek. Van and Gabi walked ahead of us. The restaurant was loud and music played loudly. We waited for our table. A new song came on, and I couldn't resist belting out the words. Nick joined me. 

In many ways, still miss the good old days 

"SOMEDAY. SOMEDAY." I raised my hands in the air. This was without a doubt, one of my favorite songs. I could play this song on repeat and write all night. Nick twirled me around, and I raised my arms. 

It hurts to say, but I want you to stay 

"It's always you two." Gabi stood to the side, watching us with her eyebrows raised. Van looked at me, really looked at me, and for a moment I swear his eyes lit up. His mouth twitched, but he turned back to Gabi, coolly tapping a foot to the beat. He hadn't even spoken a word to me except hello. At least he wasn't glaring at me. I felt my face warm when remembering the message I'd sent him. I'd deleted the entire conversation, but obviously, I still had the most vivid recollection of each word in the message. At least Van hadn't told Gabi either. 

We were taken to a table and Nick sat across from Gabi and I sat across from Van. I crossed and uncrossed my legs, a habit, and stepped on Van's foot. "Sorry." It was a loaded apology. 

"Don't worry about it." He didn't look up, still looking at his menu. 

"So Nick..." Gabi began a semi-interrogation on Nick. He seemed relaxed though, putting one hand on my knee the whole time. I studied my menu. 

"Van, how's the writing going?" Nick asked. 

"It's going. Not doing so much, I get little bursts of words here and there." Van muttered the last part, gripping his glass but not drinking from it. 

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