Write Off

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I must have been missing something. My mind was blanked and the sounds of the coffee shop I was in was only static in my ears. I bought the coffee to my mouth and tasted bitter. My laptop sat in front of me, the college apps open on the screen. I shifted the mouse around and minimized the screen, like I was doing something bad. 

Gabi slid into the booth in front of me, holding some iced tea. She hated coffee. Which is why I thought it was weird she'd suggested a coffee shop. "Your hair looks so good. I can't get over it." 

"Thanks. You shouldn't have sent Van to check up on me. Like I was a kid." I put my chin on my hand, not looking away from my screen. 

"He wanted to. Besides, I would've gone myself but I was stuck in a meeting. Also, I know you were very hurt about Nick." I ran my tongue over my teeth, remembering the scene from a couple of days ago of Nick looking so angrily at Van. Somewhere in the middle of this scene, I should've tried to lead Nick away from his paranoia, but I hadn't thought of much to say. Now I was worried he'd tell Gabi somehow. Even if he didn't have her number, he did know where she lived. 

"Right." I thought to say, shutting my laptop. I looked at my sister and swallowed. "Thanks for looking out for me."

"Always." She took a drink from her tea. "You know, I've been thinking about going out of town somewhere. I think you should come, and we should get out of this city for a little?"

"Yeah? How come?" I looked at Gabi. She wasn't much for being spontaneous. 

"Just feel like it." 

"Is everything ok with Van?"

"Yeah. Things are good. It's just me." 

"Oh." I drummed my hands against the laptop. I loved Gabi, but I didn't want to spend a whole weekend listening to her dissect every bit of her relationship with Van. "I'll have to see when I'm not working." I looked at my phone. "I should go. I'll see you on Sunday." We were due to visit our parents for dinner that day. 

"Sure thing." 


I wrote and worked and spent evenings with Isabel watching mind-numbing television. This was nice. I kept looking at the college applications on my laptop but chickened out multiple times. I still had years and years for college. 

I just needed to write. 

A few days after meeting with Gabi, I was sitting across from her at our parents' house. Strange that just last year we'd lived here, and now we were on our own. I mean, it was cool, but still kind of strange in a way. Gabi was looking at her phone various times, and I was aching for my mom to bring out food because I was starving. 

"Is he coming soon?" My mom looked at Gabi across the table. I blew out air, already knowing where this was heading. 

"You invited Van?" I looked at Gabi. 

"Just so he could meet mom and dad. They've never met him, and mom made a big deal about it."

"No, I didn't. Besides, I have to meet your boyfriends so you'd have to bring him around sooner or later." Gabi excused herself to use the restroom and a minute later the doorbell rang. 

"Lucia, can you...?" My parents smiled sweetly at me. I slid back my chair and moved out, taking a deep breath. 

I opened the door just as Van was running a hand through his hair. "Hi." He sounded surprised. 

"Hi." I stepped back and let him through. He crammed his hands in his pockets. Gabi came over, drying her hands. 

"Hey! Come on, don't be scared." She laughed sweetly. I bit my cheek and followed them back to our dining room. 

If We Ever Get an Hour Together (A Van McCann fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now