All My Plans

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Did I regret my words to Lucia? Usually after the first fifteen minutes after an argument, I did. But this time they had been true.

I flicked my fingers against the guitar. I had gotten countless calls from the guys and some from the label to check my progress. How could I tell them I had, at the most, half a song ready for this new album? Larry distracted me with offers of video game matches, and at times I couldn't even motivate myself to open my notebook.

I opened the notebook and saw my messy scribbling. I was working on this song, and the working title was "Fluctuate". It was a very good representation of my current time. A message made my phone vibrate.

Gabi: Would you like to meet me for a drink? I'm so over work.

I could use some time out of here. I agreed and we made plans for that very night.


Gabi brushed against me as we walked. Her fingers laced around mine and I took a deep breath, squeezing her hand. "What are you thinking about?" She murmured.

"Just...writer's block. I'm having it." I swallowed, looking at her. She'd straightened her hair and worn a glossy red lippy. "You look beautiful."

Her eyes lit up and her smile was infectious. "I'm not good with makeup. My sister is the one who knows more. Contour this, eyeshadow that."

"Well I wouldn't have a clue either." I laughed, but the mention of Lucia felt like ice water on my chest. I didn't want to talk about Lucia. "But I really like your hair. And that little dress. That's not for work is it?"

"Maybe not." Her smile stayed on her mouth. "You know, I can't say I've minded dating a rockstar at all."

"Thanks, I think."

"It's a compliment." We got to the bar and Gabi slid into the stool next to me, her leg bumping lazily into mine. We ordered and clinked glasses. The bar was loud. There was some sports match or something.  Gabi brought her hand to my hair. "You have something." She murmured. I caught her hand in mine again, and we sat there drinking and not saying a thing. Gabi looked at her phone, shaking her head. "Wow."

"Everything ok?" I asked. 

"I'd texted Lucia about doing a group thing with you, me, her, and Nick. And she totally just out of the blue said they're over."

Something in my stomach sprang loose. I finally got control of my tongue to speak. "Really? What happened?"

"She's still writing.'s just a long list of insults for Nick. He must've really hurt her feelings." Gabi shook her head. "That's Lucia for you."

"What do you mean?"

Gabi finished her drink. She leaned forward, her face a little flushed. "Well, she's always going after these type of guys. Like first it was Cesar, and then it's this Nick. She loves guys who treat her like shit. I mean, she's still a little young and she's learning I guess. But still...she needs someone like you."


"Well, obviously not you. But like, I don't know," Gabi took a drink from my glass. I caught it from her and took a gulp. "I thought Lucia had the biggest crush on you back when we all first met. Something in her eyes, I don't know. But I think she just wanted to be friends. Well, obviously. She even told me. She was very into Cesar, but he was honestly a douchebag." Gabi shrugged and turned away my glass when I offered it to her. "No, I'm good." 

"Huh, well I mean. I don't know." I scratched my neck.  

"Yeah. But she's my little sister you know?" Gabi tapped her fingers on the counter. "Lucia's always wanted to act older, more independent. Even when we were younger." 

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