You Should Know

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The bed creaked again. Gabi bounced her foot in the air, still keeping a hand on her cheek. 

I couldn't breathe. Holy shit. "Lucia?" Isabel was holding a bowl of popcorn and the smell of butter filled the entire living room. 

"Is he here?" Gabi had her arms crossed. She was grinding her teeth. "Lucia is Van here?"

"No, and you should go. Now." I walked over to the door. 

"Aren't you going to say anything? How long have you two been sneaking around like this? During Van and I dating right? And you call yourself my fucking sister?" Gabi stood up, the words coming out in a giant jumble from her mouth. "You bitch!"

"Shut the fuck up." I struggled to maintain my voice. I couldn't do this here, not now. Van was still in my bedroom a mere few feet away, Gabi was quickly growing angrier by the second. 

"Van? Van! Come out here you fucking coward!"

"Get out Gabi, now." I walked up to her and shoved her arm back. She brought her hand against my cheek quickly. I pressed my tongue against my cheek, swallowing. The skin was hot. I pulled Gabi's arm toward the door, continuing to press my tongue against the pulsing cheek. 

"Lucia." Van's voice made my head snap back. He'd come to the living room. 

"I have some fucking things to say to you, you piece of shit." Gabi pulled away from me. 

Isabel was still there, too. "Gabi, you need"-

"Sorry Isabel, but this is literally none of your business. Unless you were helping Lucia sneak around with Van. Then a big fuck you to"-

"Shut up! Dear god, when would you ever see anything happening right in front of you if you had your head up your ass this whole time!" The room seemed to still when I spoke. Gabi stepped away from me, her eyes red and her jaw hard. 

"We need to talk. Like, I need to talk to Gabi." Van walked quickly to my side. "Gabi, can we talk outside?"

"You shouldn't"-

"If she wants to talk, then we'll talk outside." Van's hand wound around mine and squeezed it. Gabi saw this, and I swear if looks could kill we both would've been long buried. 

"I don't have anything to say to you. Or you Lucia. Family first huh, sis?" Gabi spun around and walked to the door. I stepped away from Van and walked behind Gabi. I closed the door behind me after she left it open. My mouth was dry and I struggled to think quickly because nothing was going right. Would this moment ever have gone right anyway?

"I'm sorry. I didn't mean for things to get like this." I followed Gabi down the stairs, talking to her back. "But didn't you see the way I looked at him? Before you guys started dating. Didn't you think there was anything"-

"I just wish you'd been honest with me." Gabi had stopped walking, but she'd had her back to me. "Yeah, I saw the way you acted around each other, but then you said you were just friends," She scratched her cheek. "And I'm not pregnant by the way. I was just fucking with you to see if you'd say anything about the two of you sooner."

I swallowed. "How long have you...?"

"The restaurant? I think I'd recognize my sister by the back of her head." Gabi's shoulders sagged, she still hadn't looked at me. "I think I don't want to see you. For a while. I get it, you're my little sister and maybe I didn't want to see that you and him were practically falling over each other every chance you got. But you need to fucking grow up ok?"

If We Ever Get an Hour Together (A Van McCann fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now