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"I thought I could just keep living my life, but you know what? The truth is, you really broke my heart."

I stood against the bedroom door, shutting my eyes and letting out a slow breath. Gabi paced the living room outside, her steps loud and her voice continuing to rise. I couldn't even hear Van. 



She'd burst in quickly, not bothering with introductions. I let her, even if Lucia was laid out in my bedroom down the hall. I guess I owed it to Gabi to say whatever she needed to say. Christ, if she wanted to get a good slap in or two, so be it. Maybe I did deserve it.

"You know what Van? I never wanted to embarrass myself. I never thought I'd be all over a boy like this. Because you are a boy, you're not a man"-

"Gabi, I"-

"No, let me finish." Her voice rose over mine. I pressed my hand against my temple. It had been minutes since she'd crashed in, but her voice stayed the same level. I swallowed. "You're not a man. Because I get it, you felt things for my sister that you didn't feel for me, I guess. But that doesn't give you an excuse to just play with me like this. And I hope you know that I don't condone you and Lucia at all. I might've gone easy on Lucia, but she's my sister. But you-you're just a fucking boy, ok?" Gabi spat out the last part. I knew I'd done something terrible, but Christ, come on. 

"I know Gabi, but you have to understand," I rambled on, but I didn't have much steam. Yes, Gabi was right. It was selfish and cruel to lead her on. "I thought I could feel the same for you."

"So you were using me to get over my sister right? Because she had Cesar, and then she had Nick. And so you decided, hey I'll have the next best thing?" Her voice cracked. Bad direction. I cleared my throat. If she cried, I didn't know what I'd do. And Lucia would no doubt have a problem with me making her sister cry. 

I brought my hands together. "I never meant to hurt you." 

"You're kidding. And now what, you'll have your turn with Lucia and then you'll get over her, right?" Gabi laughed dryly, meanly. I knew she was hurt, but her reaction made me squeeze my hands together behind my back. 

"No, it's never been like that with Lucia." I didn't realize the weight of my words until Gabi stopped right in front of my couch, looking at me.

"But it has with me?" Her eyes watered.

"Gabi, I"-

"Forget it. I'm out of here. And if you knew any better...you'd leave my sister alone." Gabi took a step towards me, meaning to get to the door.

"Why?" I asked dumbly.

Gabi sighed, obviously frustrated with my stupidity. "God, you know why. She's smitten with you. Infatuated, whatever the fuck you want to call it. And you, well I'm sure you won't even bother calling when you're back in London, huh? Your intentions, Van, have never been good. I might've been dumb enough to not see them, but I'm going to make sure Lucia sees. And then she'll never want to even look at you again, you asshole."

"Get out, please." I'd reached the end of my patience. I ground my teeth. I knew Gabi was a sweet and kind soul, but Christ have mercy on whoever got on her bad side, besides me. "And I ask that you don't butt into my relationship with your sister. This has nothing to do with you anymore."

"You asshole." Gabi walked towards the door. I followed.

"And I will call, by the way. And I'll come back. And I'll show you that my intentions with Lucia"-

If We Ever Get an Hour Together (A Van McCann fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now