You Know Me

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I jolted awake every hour after 4 am, reaching over to make sure Noah was fine. I'd placed almost all the pillows on the edge of the bed next to him but was still paranoid. I'd put my phone on Do Not Disturb, feeling my stomach drop at Van's 8 missed calls and 2 voicemails. 

When it finally hit 8 am and Noah started fussing, I sat up and fed him, feeling the ridges of his tiny head and features. I took a deep breath, looking at the plain brown hotel carpeting. 

Isabel: Where are u?

Isabel: What did Van do?

Isabel: He was standing outside my apartment for 15 mins asking for u

I balanced Noah on a pillow and dialed Isabel. "Don't let him in," I said when the call went through. 

"Well I didn't because you weren't here. What'd you fight about this time? And where are you? Are you at your parents? I think he was going to try there next." 

"No, I'm not. Are you at work?"

"Day off. Do you want to come over?"

"Yes please." 

I gathered my things and checked out of the hotel, planting Noah in his car seat and starting to drive out to Isabel's. When we got there, Isabel was eating breakfast. She fussed over Noah and I crossed my legs at her dining room table. The apartment was pretty much the same. I knew Isabel kept having bad luck with roommates. The second one had just moved out. "So, what is it?" Isabel didn't bother making small talk. "And where were you?"

"Hotel." I brushed my hair back, feeling my throat tighten. She would want to know everything, and I wasn't in the mood to fully go into it. 

"What happened?"

Where would I even begin? "He cheated on me."

Isabel dropped her spoon, letting it bang against the plate. "What?"

I felt my eyes start to water. Noah sneezed and I instinctively rubbed his head, feeling the delicate fine hairs on the top. "I don't"-

"Who? When? I'm going to kick the shit out of him." Isabel spoke matter-of-factly. "He was outside my apartment practically crying, begging me to tell him where you were. Fucking asshole."

I ran my tongue against my teeth. "I have to go back to the apartment. To get some things. But I don't want to take Noah. Can you...?"

"OK, sure."

"He's probably looking for me at my parents' house anyway. Maybe he even dared to call Gabi." I hoped not. She'd ask questions. But as long as Van was out of the apartment, I could go back. I squeezed the car keys in my bag, already getting up. 

"Don't you want to eat something before you go?"

I tried to smile, but it probably looked like I was in pain. "I'm fine. Noah is fed and burped. I changed his diaper like an hour ago, so he should be good."

"Aye aye. Say see you later Mom." Isabel brought Noah close to her, his eyes moving all over the room. I got up and walked to the door, eager to get all of this over with. 


I unlocked the keys to the apartment quickly, stepping inside. I strained my ear to hear for Van, but there was only silence. Quickly, I walked to our bedroom, beginning to pull my clothes out of the closet. I heard the front door open while I was throwing things over my shoulder. Shit shit shit. I stood still, listening to the bang of keys and the door shut. I didn't have to make a sound, Van was already walking over. 

If We Ever Get an Hour Together (A Van McCann fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now