3) Family Ties

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Diagon Alley/ Gringotts

3rd Person P.O.V- Everyone can feel the shift in the air as the doors open to the grand establishment and everyone is left in awe at the sheer power the hooded figure wields.

Harry- I walk up to a free teller. "Good day, I wish to speak with the manager of my family vaults."

Gaggle- I look down at the hooded figure in mild interest. "Name?"

Harry- Instead of verbally answering, I hand him my Official Birth Certificate. "This is of importance."

Gaggle- Reading over the parchment in shock. "Follow me." I immediately lead the boy through a door and down a hall away from all the nosy patrons. "You are a very special case and your family account manager just so happens to be, the Head Goblin." Leading him through the maze like halls we finally stop at an ornate door. Knocking three times, before I enter. "Rippling? You have a young man here and it's of utter importance, that you speak with him." I hand the Head Goblin the certificate and take my leave.

Rippling- Reading over the document myself, I gesture for the boy to take a seat. "I see you have finally learned the truth."

Harry- Taking the offered seat as I remove my hood. (Nods) "I have."

Rippling- (Smiling Victoriously) "What is it that you hope to accomplish today child?"

Harry- Thinking over my choice of words carefully. "Everyone knows me as the famous Boy-Who-Lived and knows this face. Is there a way I can change the fake name, to my birth name and perhaps have a complete makeover? I'd like to be the real me with no link to my past what so ever. That is what I would like to accomplish, if it at all possible."

Rippling- Listening to every word with upmost interest and pondering the simple request. "It is possible child. There is a transformation potion I could give to you, if it is what you truly want. But be warned that once the transformation is complete, it cannot be undone."

Harry- Giving a rather complexed look. "What kind of transformation potion?"

Rippling- "This potion is our equivalent to a Muggles Transgender Surgery. The potion, transforms the drinker from their given gender to the opposite gender. For example you are a male, if you took the potion it would transition you into a female." Before I can continue explaining, he cuts me off.

Harry- After hearing a bit of the explanation, I didn't even have to think twice. "I'll do it."

Rippling- The child was just full of surprises. (Nods Understandingly) "Is there anything else?"

Harry- I hand him the rest of my paperwork. "Can you fix this?"

Rippling- Fixing the mess that was handed to me, I take my time to read it practically seething by the end. (Snarls) "How are you still alive? Doing half of this is illegal to a Wizard let alone a Creature!" Getting out of my seat in a hurry, I lead the young Hybrid to the medi wing.

Gringotts Medi Wing

3rd Person P.O.V- The doors are thrown open by one very pissed off Head Goblin.

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