18) Tri-Wizard Champions

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Two Weeks Later

3rd Person P.O.V- Over these past two weeks the students seventeen and up from Hogwarts, Durmstrang and Beauxbatons have placed their names in the Tri-Wizard cup.

(Great Hall)

Draco- Everyone is gathered, waiting anxiously to hear who the Champions are. (Whispers) "Are you sure, Barty placed your name?"

Lark- (Nods and Whispers) "Positive, I spoke with him about it six days ago."

Draco- We have plans and for those plans to work, Lark has to be apart of this contest. (Whispers) "Okay."

Sofia- We knew their conversation was important, but so was this very moment. (Whispers) "Guys, it's starting!"

3rd Person P.O.V- Everyone anxiously waited for Headmaster Dumbledore to start speaking.

Albus- (Smiles) "Before we begin tonight's feast, the Champions will be chosen..." Getting cut off as the cup enflames red. "The first Champion from our brother school in Durmstrang, Bulgaria; Viktor Krum!"

3rd Person P.O.V- The Great Hall breaks out into cheer for the brutish young man.

Albus- The room quiets down, just as the cup enflames red again. "The second Champion from our sister school in Beauxbaton, France; Fluer Delacour."

3rd Person P.O.V- The Great Hall once more breaks out into cheer for the mesmerizing woman in blue.

Albus- The room quiets down as the cup enflames again. "The third Champion from our very own host school Hogwarts; Cedric Diggory."

3rd Person P.O.V- The Great Hall breaks out into cheer for the Badger whom slowly makes his way to the front of the room the others.

Albus- Gesturing towards the three Champions. "Our Champions." I gesture to a door at the back of the room and the three are led away, turning back around to begin a short speech I'm cut off when the cup enflames red for the fourth and final time. 'NO! NO! NO! This cannot be, my plans are falling apart. It was so supposed to be Harry Potter, who is this girl?' Glancing up from the charred paper at the sea of faces. "The fourth and final Champion from our sister school in Beauxbaton, France; Lark Prince."

Draco- (Smirks Smugly) Albus took twenty minutes to come to terms with the name on that paper and another five to call her name. "You're up, Princess."

Sofia and Hazel- (Smiles Tightly) "Good Luck."

Lark- Giving my Circle a rather reassuring look, I gracefully get up and without even looking at the man whom ruined my life, I go straight to my Headmistress who takes me to the backroom.


Viktor- Looking at the petite girl curiously and the teachers who have entered. "Do they want us back out there?"

Igor- Setting my hand on Viktor's shoulder to silence him. (Shakes Head)

Viktor- I immediately shut my mouth and listen.

Fluer- Walking over to my Princess. (Bows) "This should have been you and not me."

Lark- (Smiles Fondly) "There is a reason it happened this way."

Cedric- Glancing between the two French girls curiously. "She bowed to you?"

Fluer- (Huffs Hotly) "Lark is our school Princess and Champion!"

Cedric- Seeing the vicious fire in her eyes, I back away. "I'm sorry."

Fluer- (Mutters) "Stupid boy!"

Madam Maxime- Watching the exchange rather amused. (Chuckles)

3rd Person P.O.V- The door is thrown open as the Headmaster, his Deputy, his Potions Master and the Minister enter behind him.

Minivera- Looking at the small French girl rather worried. "Aren't you at all worried, how her name was entered?"

Madam Maxime- "No, it is Fate."


Lark- Resting a calming hand on the irate Veela. "ENOUGH! You've made your point."

Fluer- Wrapping my arms around her petite waist as I rest my head on her shoulder.

Severus- Not phased by the protective creatures outburst, the Headmaster and Minivera as well as the Minister were set on edge. (Smirks)

Igor- Noticing Severus' 'Will tell you later' look. (Nods)

Crouch- Nervously looking at the four Champions. "This is a magic binding tournament, I'm afraid to say that none of you can get out of it without the loss of magic." Shifting from foot to foot. "It is dangerous, you've got three very dangerous tasks ahead of you and the first is in two months. Good luck." With that I quickly leave.

Albus- I quickly follow the retreating Minister.

Minivera- I quickly head out and make sure the Great Hall is in one piece.

Lark- The door closes, sealing us inside. (Huffs) "Pansy's!"

Severus- (Laughs)

Igor- I'm shocked to hear my brother laugh. "I'm obviously missing something."

Severus- (Nods) "Igor, my eldest daughter; Lark Prince."

Viktor and Cedric- Our eyes widen in shock and wonder as we look at the beautiful red head.

Igor- My eyes widen. "I've missed a lot since becoming a Headmaster in Bulgaria."

Severus- (Nods) "That you have brother, let me fill you in." Turning my attention to Lark. "Don't kill them."

Lark- (Smiles Innocently) "Daddy, I would never!"

Igor- (Smirks) "Definitely your daughter."

Viktor- Looking the petite girl up and down. "It's going to be a very interesting year."

Lark- (Glares Coldly)

Cedric- (Nods Agreeingly) Wanting to keep my manhood, I drag the Bulgarian out of the room.

Fluer- (Hums) "You scared them."

Lark- (Giggles) "I scare everyone."

Fluer- (Laughs) "That you do."

Lark- We return to our seats and catch up with our Circle, getting a little bit to eat before heading off to bed.

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