22) What's Valued Most

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One Month Later/Hogwarts

3rd Person P.O.V- Christmas and NewYears comes an goes in a blur, once more the British castle is filled with students.

Draco- Laying on the couch in the Slytherin common room as the rest of the Circle lounges about on the chairs and couches.

Nyla- Staring at the golden egg that has become the bane of our existence. "How the Hell are we to figure out the clue? Every time we open the damn thing it screeches bloody murder!"

Luna- Dropping my magazine as my eyes widen suddenly. "Water, it needs to be heard beneath water!"

Fluer- Looking up from book as I glance between Lark, Cedric and Viktor. "Where is it big enough for the four of us to take this clue and hear it beneath water?"

Cedric- I didn't even have to think about it. "The prefects bathroom up on the fourth floor."

Pansy- We all stare at the HufflePuff. "You're willing to lose your prefects badge over this hunk of metal?"

Cedric- (Hums Thoughtfully) "Yes, yes I am. If it wasn't for this stupid tournament, I wouldn't even be thinking about breaking the rules." Pausing for a moment. "Though if it wasn't for this tournament, we'd never have learned the truth about that old bat."

Draco- (Nods Approvingly)

Viktor- Looking the other male participant up and down. "When should we go?"

Cedric- Casting a quick tempas, "Now."

Fluer- The four of us grab a change of clothes and get a chorus of good luck before we head off to the fourth floor.  

Prefects Bath

Cedric- I fill the tub with perfect tempered water. "Let's do this."

Lark-We all strip out of our clothes, into our swim wear and sink beneath the water.

Viktor- I hold the metal egg beneath the water and open it, it shines like a rainbow.

Fluer- We all dunk ourselves beneath the water and listen to the siren like music;

'Come seek us where our voices sound,
We cannot sing above the ground.
An hour long you'll have to look,
To recover what we took.'

Lark- Coming up for air. (Coughs) "This is rather problematic."

Cedric- Wiping the soapy water from my eyes. "Yea, without a doubt."

Viktor- Closing up the blasted egg, I pull it out of the water and set it on an extra towel. "What are we to be looking for?"

Fluer- (Hums Thoughtfully) "Better yet where?" We get out of the tub and get dried off, we take turns in the private stall to get changed into our clothes.

One Week Later

Draco- After the four Champions informed the Circle of what the clue was, we all pitched in to help them as the second task was a month  away.

Percy- Thinking over the given clue. "The Black Lake. Whatever you're gonna have to look for, is in the Black Lake."

Lark- (Groans Miserably) "That solves one of multiple problems."

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