19) Fire and Ice

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Two Months Later

3rd Person P.O.V- Time flies by for the students of Hogwarts whom are hosting the Tri-Wizard Tournament. They share classes, meals and free time with their brother and sister schools as September turns to October and October to November. Two weeks into early November and snow has started to fall coating everything in glistening white as the temperature has dropped drastically.

Ron- Our Care Of Magical Creatures class comes to an end, walking back up to the castle I pause seeing the small group of French students sitting at the fountain in the snow. (Frowns) "Aren't they cold, it's not like they are dressed properly for the weather?!"

Hermione- I have half the nerve to smack him. "If you hadn't noticed the Bulgarians are dressed in leather with heavy fur lined coats. The French students are dressed in dresses and leather, but they have heavily fur lined coats as well. You know nothing of other cultures!" Turning away from the oblivious idiot, I leave him gawking like a fish out of water.

Ginny- (Giggles) "You are so oblivious brother." Neville, Luna and I quickly follow the retreating Witch.

Ron- (Blushes Deeply) "But they are dressed so weirdly!"

Viktor- I happen to be walking by with one of my friends when I hear the Hogwarts boy, glancing over to where he is looking. (Glares Heatedly) "That is an insult to the French Institute's Princess and Circle."

Ron- (Shrieks Indigently) I quickly follow after my friends.

Viktor- (Rolls Eyes)

Marcos- (Smirks) "Stupid boy."

Victor- (Nods and Hums) "That he is." We glance over, catching Larks gaze. (Nods Respectfully)

Lark- Happening to look up and locking eyes with the two Bulgarians. (Smiles and Nods)

Draco- I notice the exchange. (Whispers) "Allies?"

Lark- (Hums Softly and Whispers) "Yes."

Draco- (Nods Understandingly)

Alexandria- Ignoring the whispered conversation between our Princess and her other. (Hums Contently) "It May be beautiful here, but it is too loud for my liking."

Kendal- (Nods Agreeingly) "It's not our kind of loud."

Sofia- (Mutters) Glancing at Lark. "I miss home."

Lark- (Smiles Fondly)

Arabella- Cuddling into my sisters arms, I decide to quickly change the topic of conversation before the atmosphere can get anymore tense. "What do you think the first task will be?"

Lark- Slowly flipping through a Parsel book. "Dragons."

Dimitri- (Frowns) "I'm sorry, it's what?"

Fluer- (Sighs Softly) "You heard her correctly, it's dragons."

Draco- Narrowing my eyes as I glance between them. "How did you find out it was dragons?"

Fluer- (Shrugs Nonchalantly) We assumed it was Cedric that gave a note to a first year Gryffindor."

Hazel- Rather curious. "What did the note say?"

Lark- (Hums) "To meet Madam Maxime and Hagrid at the edge of the Forbidden Forest."

Fluer- "I went under a disillusionment charm, Lark used her abilities and turned invisible." (Giggles) "Though she saw one of the Dragon Tamers and her abilities went wonky."

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