30) Claimed

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Dragon Reserve, Romania/ Weaselly Cottage

Charlie- Holding my mate bridal style, she shadow walked us into the master bedroom of our cottage at the Reserve. (Smirks) "Tonight, I shall claim you as Mine in all ways." Gently setting her down on the bed, with a flick of wrist my wand slips from its holster. (Mutters Softly and Quickly) With a multitude of Romanian spells, the room is heavily warded.

Lark- I stretch out on the bed rather provocatively, leaning up on my elbows in the process to watch him as he wields his wand to heavily ward the room. (Smirks Coyly)

Charlie- Glancing from the glowing symbols that melt into the walls, down at the bed where Lark lays like a delicious treat. (Growls Lowly) I place my wand on the night stand and unclip the holster from its place around my arm setting it there as well.

Lark- His eyes become slitted and glow orange as his body gives off an unnatural heat from within, I watch him closely as his movements become rather stiff and jerky. (Smirks Smugly)

Charlie- Turning my attention back to the minx. "Princess..." Climbing unto the bed as I hover over her. "My little Minx." Properly laying her back on the bed, I take my time in stripping every article of clothing from her delicate body.

Thirty Minutes Later

Lark- Laying stark naked beneath my smug mate, I use a wandless/wordless spell stripping him naked. (Smiles Innocently)

Charlie- (Chuckles) "Innocent, you are not Princess." She spreads her thighs as I ease between them. "You belong to me alone." Pressing my lips to her neck heatedly, I bite down into my mark harshly as I thrust my fingers into her.

Lark- Pleasure dances up my spine and through my veins as my back arches.

Charlie- Thrusting my fingers in and out stretching her, I trail my lips along her collarbone leaving purpling bruises.

Lark- (Gasps and Groans) My toes curl as I dig my fingers into his shoulders.

Charlie- Forgoing any protection spells and deeming her prepared enough, I remove my fingers and align myself as I thrust into her.

Lark- My head falls back against the pillows as white stars dance just behind my eyes. (Groans Loudly)

Charlie- Giving her time to adjust, I admire how her hair is splayed like a fiery halo and her body his perfectly arched against my own, while her fingers dig into my shoulders and her toes curl.

Lark- The pain ebbs away into pleasure. (Whimpers) "More."

Charlie- Keeping one arm firmly around her waist and my free hand firmly planted against the twisted sheets, I thrust in and out of her willing body.

Lark- (Moans Loudly) Rolling my hips in rhythm with my mates, it's a pleasurable dance of give and take.

Charlie- Thrusting at just the right angle and hitting her sweet spot, I bite down into her claiming mark.

Lark- Pleasure unlike any other floods my body as I bite into my mark on his collarbone.

Charlie- We reach the peak of ecstasy and ride out our highs together, having completed our bond.

Twenty Minutes Later

Lark- (Sighs Contently) I lay boneless in my mates arms. "Love you."

Charlie- Brushing her sweaty hair out of her face. (Smiles Happily) "I love you too, Princess."

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