24) Karma Served 'Cold'

5K 116 16

Malfoy Manor

3rd Person P.O.V- The Tri-Wizard Tournament has come to an end and the Hogwarts students got to see the Bulgarian and French students off as they returned to their own schools to finish out the school year, though Lark and Draco as well as their Circle were given special permission to return home early.

Tom- The dining room doors open as Lark and her Circle enter. (Smiles Softly) "Dark Princess."

Lark- (Smiles Weakly) "Grandfather." I sit down at the table between my dad and Draco.

Draco- Sitting down as the Circle follows suit, I pile Larks plate full of food then my own.

Sirius- We were worried for our eldest daughter, she was withdrawn more than prior and awfully quiet. She flinched at the slightest nose and gentlest of touches. (Sighs) Reaching out to run my fingers through dulled red curls, seeing the violent flinch I quickly set my hand back on the table.

Remus- Cradling the triplets in my arms, I turn my attention to them to ease my anxiety and worry.

Severus- I drink my coffee, staring at my plate of uneaten food.

Lucious- As much as I once despised the girl, she is family and seeing her like this effected us all. "This might perk you up." Finished reading the Daily Prophet, I set it in front of the young Hybrid.

Narcissia- (Smiles Proudly) My husband has learned his place, with the Princess.

Lark- Picking up the offered paper as I read over the two main articles;

By; Rita Skeeter

That's right my faithful readers, I've got the latest dish on the horrific ending to the Tri-Wizard Tournament. Now the story starts centuries ago when the 'Death Tournament' which is named rightly so by the Four Founders themselves petitioned for said tournament to be legally banned.

March 20th 1994 of last year, Council Daybreak (Dracula Dragomire, Ryland Knight, Natalia Romanov-Barnes, James Barnes, Bruce Banner, Helena Faye, Sherlock Holmes, John Watson, Alister Crowley, Lucifer MorningStar, Gabriel Novak, Castiel Novak, Thor Odison, Loki Lyfison, Derek Hale, Stiles Stilinski-Hale, Marina Hawkins, Chronos, Thanos and Fate.) had a meeting that included; Minister Crouch, Amelia Bones, Fredrick Windsor, Carson Rodes, Lura Mathews, Marvollo Gaunt, Lucious Malfoy, Frenrir Greyback, Olympe Maxime and Albus Dumbledore. When Albus brought the subject up, they all immediately asked how he knew of the Tournament and he quickly changed the subject, though he insisted it be brought back. The Council had lifted the ban 'Temporarily', giving the crazy baboon the benefit of the doubt and allowed a trial run. Saying if something dire were to happen to a Champion, the ban is immediately back in place.

Dearest readers, the Tri-Wizard Tournament was hosted at our esteemed Great Britain school Hogwarts this year, our children were witness to the horrors of the 'Death Tournament' and they not only watched as the youngest Witch fought her way to 'Survive' but they lost a beloved brother.

Wands up in a moment of silence for the sweet boy; Cedric Amos Diggory, thoughts and love goes to the family in their dark time.

Now to brighten our somber mood, I'd like to comment that I have the results from the tasks and the final scores;

First Task Points-

1st Place; Lark Prince/ 100

2nd Place; Viktor Krum/ 90

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