6) Acceptance Of The Heart

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One Month Later

3rd Person P.O.V- June has passed and July comes quickly. Lark has settled in well living with her biological family, the family she was taken from and brainwashed into fighting against.

Lark- Walking into the family room as I glance around. "Has anyone seen my dad, Mooney or Padfoot?"

Tom- Looking up from the Daily Prophet I'm reading. "They are up in the study having a private conversation."

Lark- "Oh..."

Lucious- Glancing up from my book. "Did you need something Princess?"

Lark- (Bites Bottom Lip) "I just wanted to ask them something, but it can wait." I quickly go back to my room, before they question me.

Lucious- Watching the girl leave. "That was odd."

Tom- (Shrugs) "Must be something only those three can help her with."


Sirius- Lounging on a chair watching Severus as he paces back and fourth rather flustered.

Remus- Leaning against the wall, I watch every move Severus makes. "Talk to us."

Severus- Pacing back and forth, stalling as I think over the words I want to say. (Sighs Heavily) Sitting in a free chair, I glance between the Wolf and Grimm. (Smiles Softly) "I accept you as my mates and the fathers to my daughter."

Sirius- (Gasps) "Really?"

Remus- Looking the man up and down. "Are you sure?"

Severus- Shaking my head. "Yes, really and I'm positively sure."

Sirius- Glancing over at Remus.  (Nods)

Remus- Leaving my spot, I walk over and kneel in front of Severus as I take his wrist and bite into it marking him.

Severus- (Groans) My eyes flutter shut.

Sirius- Having gotten up myself as I kneel beside Remus, taking Severus' wrist I bite down adding my mark to Rems. (Smirks Smugly) "Now you belong to both of us."

Severus- Looking between both them. (Nods) "What about Lark?"

Remus- Tracing the faded mark that belonged to James and Lily on his shoulder. "Lark belongs to all of us."

Sirius- Kissing Severus' cheek. "Don't fret, she'll understand."

(Family Room)

Severus- Having finished our conversation, we come downstairs and walk into the family room. "Where is Lark?"

Narcissia- Setting aside my cup of tea. "Her room."

Tom- Looking up from a contract I was working on. "She came in looking for the three of you earlier, said something about needing to ask you something."

Lucious- Not bothering to look up from my book. "She didn't specify, just left when we said you guys were having a private conversation."

Remus- Before they could continue, we leave going back upstairs this time to the family wing.

Sirius- Going to the room across from Draco's, I knock on the door. "Lark, pup?"

Remus- Knocking on the door myself. "Cub, let us in."

Lark- Getting annoyed by the banging at my door and all the shouting. I swing open my door. (Growls)

Severus- Met by golden eyes. "Princess..."
I notice her hair is a tangled mess, her eyes are bloodshot, her nose is pink and her cheeks are tear stained. (Frowns)

Sirius- She lets us in and shuts the door. "Sweetheart, you wanted to ask us something earlier?"

Lark- Rubbing at my stinging eyes. "It's nothing."

Remus- My eyes widen. "Shit the full moon is in three days."

Severus- Both Sirius and I look at him perplexed.

Remus- "It's her first full moon and she's going through what I went through when I wasn't mated yet."

Sirius and Severus- It finally clicks. 'That Time Of The Month' "Oh."

Lark- (Blushes) "Can we cuddle?"

Severus- (Nods) Getting comfortable on the bed, I suddenly have Lark in my arms. (Smiles)

Sirius- I climb into the bed beside Severus and cuddle our daughter.

Remus- I climb into the bed last, wrapping my arms around my mates and cub.

Lark- I notice my dad has an identical mark to Moony and Padfoot. (Smiles) I fall asleep surrounded by my ever growing family.

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