9) The Champions Circle

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Three Months Later

3rd Person P.O.V- Sun shines behind thick clouds on a chilly day.

Draco- Standing beside Lark as we watch the trials come to an end.

Lark- Every other week for the past three months, I've set a date and a trial for those whom believed they had what it takes to be apart of my Circle. Watching rather emotionless as the last four recruits get taken out. (Sighs Softly) "I have my chosen."

Draco- (Nods) Stepping away from my cousin as I not only get the gathering crowds attention but also the recruits. "It has been a very long and grueling three months. Just know that if you are not chosen, you've all done spectacular." I gesture to Lark whom has joined me.

Lark- Looking each and every one of the thirty recruits in the eye. "Draco has said that quite well, though I would like to add you are remarkably talented. You may not be chosen as one of my Circle, but you all have a very bright future ahead of you." Taking a deep breath as I slowly let it out. "Out of the thirty recruits, I've only chosen nine." Pausing for dramatic effect as they all hold their breaths.

Draco- Filling the silence that Lark momentarily creates. "When your name is called please step forward." Gesturing that they step out of the straight line their all in.

Lark- Once more looking each one in the eye. "Julia Barton, Sofia Barnes, Hazel Watson, Dimitri Hendrix, Nyla Manson, Kendal James, Alexandria Bagans, Fleur Delacour, Arabella Delacour." Though there were many good recruits, I was looking for those with very specific abilities and personality traits.

Draco- Though there was tears of sadness, there was joy. (Nods)

Two Days Later/Initiation Ceremony

3rd Person P.O.V- Classes for the day have long since ended as it is late into the night where students and staff alike are behind closed doors either sleeping or doing some late night studying. Though the Head Mistress, the champion and her Circle are gathered in what is known as the Red Room, the only light source in the shadowed room a pentagram flaming brightly across the floor around them.

Madam Maxime- Glancing from our schools chosen to her Circle. "Tonight is your initiation into the Champions Circle. You lucky nine are her chosen, her guards, her guides, her soul, her family. She keeps you glued together and you keep her grounded." Gesturing they all hold up their left arms, with a flick of my wand they are branded with Larks chosen mark. "You belong to her as much as she belongs to you."

3rd Person P.O.V- As the initiation comes to a close, the pentagram goes out casting the room and occupants into a calming, collective darkness.

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