14) Summer Revelations

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Malfoy Manor

Draco- Lark and I decided after breakfast to go to Diagon Alley with our Circle and give them a proper tour of Magical Britain.

Three Hours Later

Lark- Getting back from the eventful trip, we walk into the family room.

Tom- Hearing playful banter, I glance up as I set aside the Daily Prophet. (Smirks Amused) "You love causing quiet a commotion, don't you?"

Lark- I notice my grandfather holds the latest addition of the Daily Prophet. (Hums) "Just getting our point across."

Lucious- (Scowls and Mutters) "You are going to get my son killed, in your petty game."

Rodulphous- It got so quiet you could hear a pin drop. "He's a dead man."

Bellatrix- (Nods Agreeingly) We all knew better than to speak to or about the Princess and her Circle in any ill manner.

Narcissia- My husband needs to keep his silver tongue within his mouth.

Draco- I knew better than to interfere, when Lark went to punish someone and my father should never have opened his mouth.

Lark- Walking over to the oblivious older Malfoy, I reach out and slap him.

Lucious- My tea gets spilt and I look up at the young witch in shock as anger sparks in my eyes. (Sneers)

Lark- (Hisses) "You best hold your tongue if you know what is good for you." Pausing briefly for dramatic effect as I grasp his jaw rather roughly. "You dare insinuate that I'd get your son killed?! How dare you! I'm bringing balance to the war Albus has raged. This is a life or death situation, not a game you insignificant fool and if you believe for even a moment that Draco will come to harm at the hands of Albus or my grandfather than you are sorely mistaken." Once more pausing as I narrow my eyes at the trembling aristocrat. "Get out of my sight, before I chose to make an example out of you!"

Lucious- Her magic wraps around me, chilling me to the core. (Nods) As soon as she lets me go I'm out of my seat, the spilt tea and my book forgotten as I speed walk out the door disappearing into the shadows of the manor.

Draco- (Smiles Fondly) "Was that necessary?" Before she could answer, her fathers enter the room.

Severus- Entering the family room. "Was what necessary?" I give my daughter a hug and sit down on the loveseat.

Sirius- (Smirks) Following Sev's question up with my own. "Why was Lucious running for his life?" I ruffle Larks hair as I kiss her cheek, walking over I sit to the left of Sev.

Remus- Giving Lark a kiss on her forehead, I join my mates sitting to the right of Severus.

Julia- (Snickers) "Lark just sent blondie running for his life."

Sofia- (Snorts) "That's a dressing down for the books."

Severus, Sirius and Remus- Looking at the MockingJays rather curiously. "What happened?"

Nyla- (Huffs Hotly) "Elder Malfoy thought he had the biggest balls in the room."

Dimitri- (Growls) "He insinuated that Dragon was going to get killed because of Princess."

Fluer- "Princess didn't take too kindly to being told she was going to be the reason her other was gonna be killed."

Sirius- Looking at the group as it all sunk in. "I'd be upset too."

Remus- Sev and I both look at Sirius.

Sirius- I notice my mates mirrored looks. "What?"

Severus- Turning my attention back to my daughter. "Did you guys find your mates yet?" They all shake their heads negatively. (Hums)

Tom- (Rolls Eyes) "Stop pestering them about their love lives, they'll let us know if such a significant thing occurs and as for Draco being Larks other. Lark has chosen Draco as her second in command, stop reading into their nonexistent relationship." It was getting on mine, Larks and Draco's nerves with the constant questioning.

Remus- The tension was getting thick and to defuse the situation, I change the subject. "The three of us have some good news."

Sirius- Remus and I take Sev's hands in ours. "Yes, the three of us have officially bonded."

Severus- (Blushes Deeply) Everyone cheers and congratulates us.

Lark- (Smirks) "So who do I call Papa, Daddy and Mommy?"

Sirius- (Laughs) The girl is definitely a Marauders heir, she has James attitude and Lilly's wit.

Severus- (Pales)

Remus- (Smiles Fondly) "That's up to you cub." I notice Sev's discomfort and rub his lower back to ease his nerves.

Tom- (Smiles Fondly) "Any other good news to share or was that all you wanted to shock us with?"

Severus- Pulling my hands from my mates as I rest them against my abdomen. "Well there is more good news actually and it's quite shocking. I'm pregnant."

Narcissia and Bellatrix- (Squeals Excitedly)

Lark- (Smiles Brightly) Rather thrilled by the news I'm going to be a big sister, I walk over and kneel in front of my mom as I press my hand next to his. "How far along?"

Draco- The Circle and I move from our current positions, sitting around the floor around Lark and her family protectively.

Sirius- Everyone watches how fluid the MockingJays move and in sync they really are as they sit around Remus, Sev and I.

Remus- Severus looked over the moon when his daughter showed how happy she was and how interest in her siblings she really is. "Well your mother is four months pregnant with triplets and we know it's two boys and a girl."

Lark- (Coos) Pressing my face to my mom's stomach, I talk to the three growing beans.

Severus- It didn't surprise me when Lark suddenly pressed her face into my stomach, I just brushed my fingers through her messy fiery curls. (Hums Contently)

Sirius- (Chuckles) I wrap my arm around Sev's shoulders as he leans into me.

Narcissia- "What are the names you've chosen?"

Remus- Glancing at Remus who is cuddled between Siri and I. "Well two of the names are in honor of James and Lily."

Bellatrix- (Coos) "That's so sweet!"

Sirius- (Smiles) "We've decided together that the names are James Jae, Kovis Orion and Lilli Katarina."

Tom- (Smiles Proudly) "The names are perfect and befitting."

Severus, Sirius and Remus- Practically preening at such a praise. "Thank you."

3rd Person P.O.V- The rest of the day is spent with the family designing the nursery, going out shopping for the necessities and continuing plans of warfare.

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