28) Full Moon and Secret Revealed

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One Month Later/ Malfoy Manor Forest

Sirius- My fingers entwines with my mates, I give them a squeeze. "The triplets are safe with their mother, in the manor."

Remus- Walking further into the surrounding forest. (Sighs) "I know."

Sirius- I notice something seems to be bothering my wolf. "What's wrong?"

Remus- Looking around the desolate woods. "It just feels odd not to have our cub here."

Sirius- Giving his hand another squeeze as I press my lips to his cheek. "I'm sure she'll show up, she's never missed a moon."

Remus- The full moon filters in through the thick canopy and I feel the pull to change.

Sirius- Quickly shifting into my animagus form, I sit patiently and watch my mate.

Remus- The last of the change takes shape as I lift my head towards the sky. (Howls) Getting my bearings and balance on four paws, I trot over and snuffle at my mates neck.

Sirius- (Huffs Indigently) Shaking out my ruffled fur.

Remus- I give him a lick across the snout.

Lark- Having a quick talk with my grandfather, I hear my papa howl and make it outside in record time, changing partway. (Howls)

Remus- Hearing a whiny howl, I trot over to the red furred pup who rushes through the brush and literally face plants into the dirt.

Sirius- Shaking my head at our pup. ~Lark baby, you okay~

Lark- Sitting up and shaking. ~My face hurts~

Remus- Checking her over for any injury.

Sirius- I watch Remus go all mother hen. ~It's going too, you'll have to talk to your mother about it tomorrow~

Remus- Catching a marking scent, I nuzzle at her shoulder.

Lark- (Growls Warningly)  Though he seemed started, I knew I wasn't gonna get away without an explanation. I take off running.

Remus- I take off after her.

Sirius- I follow them both at my own pace, knowing I'd never be able to keep up.

Next Day

Tom- The dining room doors are slammed open as Remus literally drags Lark in.

Remus- My eyes glow dangerously as I drag Lark in by her neck. (Growls)

Severus- I glance up from feeding the twins, my eyes widening. "Remus let her go!"

Sirius- Looking between my two mates wearily. "I tried to pry him off myself, but he won't listen." I now notice that the Grey are all on their feet with various weapons in hand.

Tom- Taking a sip of my coffee as I calmly put it down. "Remus John Lupin, it is in your best interest to let her go." I eye the group wearily but don't bother to tell them to stand down.

Remus- (Snarls) Tightening the hold I have on my cub. "She's marked."

Charlie- Having enough of seeing my mate being manhandled. "Yes, by me." My eyes become slitted an glow orange as my body heats up from within, my wings become unglamored and stretch out five feet either side of myself.

Bill, Percy, Fred and George- We look anywhere but at the soon to be dead Werewolf. "Our brother is pissed!"

Charlie- Narrowing my eyes at the man whom holds my mate by her neck. "Let my mate go."

Remus- I may be a dominant, but I'm not stupid enough to challenge a Demonic Dragon Hybrid. (Nods) Letting Lark go immediately, I rush out the door I had come in and find a place to hide.

Lark- Walking around the table to Charlie.

Charlie- As soon as Lark is within reach, I pick her up into my arms. "Princess." I gently prod at her bruised neck and watch as she heals.

Tom- (Sighs Softly) "Sirius, Severus...keep yourselves and Remus in line. I need you and so does Lark." I address the rest of the family. "Though if you continue to threaten her, her Circle or her mate. Charlie has legal grounds to kill you." Getting up, I go back to the office to continue working.

Five Minutes Later

Narcissia- Calmly finishing my breakfast. "Well that was eventful."

Lucious- We all look to my wife. "Yes, very eventful."

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