17) Tri-Wizard Tournament

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Albus- The last of the students enter the Great Hall and sit down, standing at the podium. "Before the feast shall commence, I have news. This year Hogwarts is to host the Tri-Wizard Tournament, those of you who play Quidditch the pitch is closed the remainder of the year." Pausing briefly the hall is filled with unhappy chatter, getting their attention once more. "While we are hosting this tournament, we are also housing are brother and sister schools from Bulgaria and France. I would like you to give a warm welcome to our brother school from Durmstrang, Bulgaria along with their Headmaster Igor Karkaroff." I gesture to the Great Hall doors as they are thrown open.

3rd Person P.O.V- Big brute like men come waltzing in like they own the place, six of them doing acrobatics and three of them doing fire magic.

Igor- I walk into the room with my best warrior Viktor Krum. (Smirks)

Albus- The students clap and cheer. "Please have a seat with the Slytherins." I gesture towards the table of green and silver. Once everyone is settled and Igor has sat down at the Head Table. "Please welcome our sister school, the lovely ladies and gentlemen from Beauxbaton, France along with their Headmistress Madame Maxime." Gesturing to the Great Hall doors once more.

3rd Person P.O.V- The doors are thrown open as the women of the MockingJays dance in with magical birds fluttering around them, the two men come in doing acrobatics joining their lovely ladies.

Madam Maxime- I slowly walk in with Lark at my side, the petite redhead looking deadly and beautiful. (Smirks)

Lark- Wearing my point shoes I twist and I twirl with my sharp edged fans in hand, showing them just how beauty and grace can be deadly.

Albus- The whole hall was completely enthralled by the students of France, so quickly getting their attention I point our sister school to their seats at the RavenClaw table. "If I may have your attention once more." All eyes are on me as a golden chest is brought out within sight. "This is the Tri-Wizard cup." Pressing my wand into the chest as it melts away to reveal the cup. "For the next two weeks, students seventeen and up shall place their names into the cup. Three weeks from now, we shall reveal the Champions that shall compete in the three tasks." Turning my attention to the Minister.

Crouch- Looking at the sea of faces. "There is three mysterious tasks that you must complete, in record time. If you win, you get twenty thousand galleons and fame. Just know that this is a deadly tournament and once your name is called it is magic binding, I wish you luck." (Nods)

Albus- The Minister keeps it short and sweet. "Let the feast commence." I sit down at the Head Table just as the glorious food appears.

Draco- Piling my plate as I dig in. "You are underage Princess, how are we going to go about our plans?"

Lark- Picking at some pasta on my plate. (Hums) "Lets just say it pays to have my grandfathers spy in the school. Uncle Barty is going to put my name on for me."

Draco- (Smirks) "Yes it does."

MockingJay Circle- (Smirks Sinisterly)

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