23) Deceitful Facade

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Three Months Later

3rd Person P.O.V- It's a late May evening when Hogwarts students and staff, Ministry Officials, friends and family are all gathered in the stands surround the Quidditch Pitch that has been transformed into a gigantic maze.
The four Champions are gathered once more in a tent, dressed in their school colored uniforms.

Lark- We stand huddled together in the far back corner. (Mutters) "I really don't want to do this."

Cedric- Glancing around wearily. "I hate to agree, but something just feels off about this."

Fluer- (Hums Softly) Wrapping my arms around the petite girls waist in comfort, we rock back and forth.

Viktor- Wrapping my arms around Three that have become my family. "We'll get through this, together."

Ten Minutes Later

Albus- Walking into the tent, completely oblivious to the mirrored glares thrown at me. "Gather around, Champions."

Crouch- The four Champions wearily gather around me. "This last task, is a maze with dangerous creatures you may or may not face. You'll all go in five minutes apart, if you wish to exit at any time send up red sparks and an official will escort you out. The first to reach the center and retrieve the cup, wins. Good luck to you all." We lead the to the start of the maze.

Albus- "As Ms Prince has a slight disadvantage, she'll enter the maze first. Good luck to you all." Filch blows the cannon.

Lark- Taking a deep breath and letting it out, I rush off into the maze without looking back. Running down the long and narrow pathways that seem to move, I take two quick rights and three lefts. Sending a ridiculous at a Bogart, I take another right and hex one of Hagrid's thousands of spiders. Taking an immediate left, I answer a riddle from a hairless cat that oddly looks like a Sphinx. Running down the long and narrow pathway, I take a sudden right running into Fluer who was getting sucked into the wall. (Frowns) "Help is on the way sister." Sending up red sparks, I continue on and take another left into a small clearing where Viktor has Cedric at wand point. (Hisses) ~Pertrificus Totalus!~

Cedric- I was frozen in legit fear where my eyes were widen to the size of saucers, I hear this hissing sound and suddenly Viktor drops heavily to the ground. "Holy Shit!"

Lark- Glancing around wearily. "I don't like this, let's keep moving." Sending up sparks once again, I take Cedrics offered hand.

Cedric- (Nods) Lark takes my offered hand and I give her fingers a gentle squeeze as we take off running together at full speed, the maze moving around us.

Lark- Seeing an eerily blue glow at the end of the long passageway, we fall through the opening and land in a crumpled heap in the center as all the opening closed sealing it's walls of foliage. "What in Merlin's name?"

Cedric- Untangling myself from the petite girl, I get up and begin feeling my way around the perimeter. "We're trapped."

Albus- Beneath a strong invisibility charm, I make my way to the two Champions. (Glares Heatedly and Mutters) "Avada Kedavera." With a flick of my wand the Diggory boy is dead.

Lark- My eyes widen in horror as I watch a blast of green light appear out of thin air and hit Cedric, killing him. (Shrieks Loudly)

Albus- (Smiles Darkly and Mutters) "I might not have the Boy-Who-Lived, but you are Plan B and NOTHING will undermine my plans of the Dark Lord coming back to life tonight!" With another flick of my wand. "Imperio..." Completely oblivious to the spell not working or the fact her surface thoughts are a thick shield of protection, I continue to wield my magic rather powerfully planting images of; Her leaving the school premises, a resurrection, a fight and Diggory being killed by a Death Eater. Putting the cup which I transform into a port-key, within her reach. (Mutters Unforgivingly) "All for the greater good." I cast multiple illegal curses on the girl and then she grabs the port-key and is whisked away as I return to the Ministers side.

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