16) Troubling News

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French Pyrenees, France

3rd Person P.O.V- School has been back in session for about a month, when the Headmistress gathers the students in the Great Hall for an announcement.

Madam Maxime- Looking over the sea of curious faces. "It has come to my attention from the French Ministry that the Tri-Wizard Tournament has been resurrected and our British brother school Hogwarts is this years host." Pausing momentarily as I let it sink in. "I am taking our school Princess and Champion as well as her Circle. We will be gone for the rest of the year." I gesture to the deputy Headmistress. "You will continue your studies and make us all proud." Dismissing the rest of the students, I then turn my attention to the Champion and her Circle. "You will all need to pack your belongings for a year, we will be going to Hogwarts in Britain." Narrowing my eyes as I look at each and every one of my students. "I have high expectations and am expecting you to show them barbarians what it is like to fight with beauty and grace."

Draco- Raising my hand.

Madam Maxime- Noticing the gesture. "Yes, young Malfoy?"

Draco- "If anyone can show them beauty and grace all the while looking deadly. It's Lark."

Madame Maxime- (Smirks) "I'm counting on it and oh we leave in twenty minutes, so meet me by the front gate." Leaving it at that, I wave them off.

Creature Dorm Room

Draco- Packing our belongings to go to Hogwarts. "Do you think this is what your fathers warned us about?"

Lark- I finish packing and sit on my trunk as I watch Draco. (Hums Thoughtfully) "Come to think of it, it makes sense."

Draco- I finish packing the last of my things and help Lark to her feet. "Let's go, we shouldn't keep our Headmistress waiting."

3rd Person P.O.V- With that Lark, Draco and their Circle met their Headmistress at the front gate, after some idle chatter, they climb into a carriage that would take them to the British School.

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