10) Holiday

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One Month Later

3rd Person P.O.V- School lets out for the holiday as the students return home to their awaiting families.

Britain, London/ Malfoy Manor

Lucious- I picked the children up at the carriage stop and apparate them back home.

Draco and Lark- (Smiles Brightly) "WE'RE HOME!" We gracefully glide into the family room.

Bellatrix- All of us look up from whatever we are doing as the kids glide into the room. (Gasps Softly) "So otherworldly."

Redolphous- (Hums) Gone for just three months and they've returned looking completely ethereal.

Narcissia- Setting my book aside, I get up and walk too Draco as I wrap my arms around him. "Oh I've missed you."

Draco- (Smiles) Returning the affectionate gesture. "Missed you too mother."

Lark- Glancing around the room I notice none of my fathers are present. (Sighs Softly)

Tom- I notice the girls solemn look. "They would be here if they could be." Getting up from where I was sitting, I walk to the girl and hug her. "How is it at the new school?"

Lark- Melting into my grandfathers embrace as I glance at Draco.

Draco- Noticing Larks look.

Lark- (Nods)

Draco- Getting the affirmative nod from Lark I begin. "Beauboxton's Academy is so much better than Hogwarts ever was and Headmistress Madam Maxime is better than Dumbledore when it comes to teaching methods."

Tom- Knowing this to be true from doing research on the Academy. "That is great to hear."

Rebastion- All of us are interested in hearing about how their new school differed from Hogwarts. "Please continue."

Draco- Thinking for a moment. "Lark and I are the only two students to room together."

Lucious- Finding that odd. "Why is that?"

Lark- Everyone is sitting back down now as Draco and I stand together in the middle of the room. "Because I asked to room with him. According to school rules there is a boys dormitory and a girls dormitory, completely separate on either end of the school in the east and west wings. In the south wing it's a dormitory for creatures and mates."

Lucious- (Pales Drastically)

Narcissia- Looking between Draco and Lark. "You're not?"

Draco- Sharing a rather inquisitive look with Lark. "Not that we know of."

Tom- (Rolls Eyes) "They are both too young to tell. Let them talk and stop interrupting!" I gesture for the kids to continue.

Draco- (Nods) "I'm in the OmbreLune house." Pausing I glance over at Lark.

Lucious- Rather curious if it is anything like the Slytherin House at Hogwarts. "What is the characteristics of this house you are in?"

Draco- (Rolls Eyes Unamused) "Ombrelune is well known for the cunning, logic, ambition and curiosity. The house colour is grey and the house is symbolised by a sinister looking moon. The members of this house are very often those that prescribe to the concept of "the end justifies the means", as they can be manipulative and cunning. They are very cool and calculating students who are very adverse to irrationality and prize people for making well thought-out and logical decisions. Ombrelune students are cold, rarely display emotion openly unless they see some direct gain in doing so. They are in the most ambitious of the Beauxbatons houses. They are very smart, logical and structured. They are very curious interested in the world and the intricate way it works in. Ombrelune students often strive for power and perfection more than anything else."

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