12) The Rise Of The Jay's

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French Pyrenees, France

3rd Person P.O.V- Over the course of the year the Circle grows closer as one and their families support the rise of the new faction that brings balance between Light and Dark in this time of war. The school year comes to an end and the MockingJays as a whole agree to traverse to Britain with their Princess, their Champion vowing to continue their advanced training over the summer.

Britain, London/ Malfoy Manor

Lucious- Shock doesn't even cover what I'm feeling as I look at the group that surrounds Draco and Lark. "I'm sorry, please explain this one more time."

Draco- Gesturing to our Circle. "These are the MockingJays and they'll be coming home with us, the Dark Lord is already aware of the development."

Lark- Looking the man up and down unamused. "My grandfather is waiting for us, tonight is a meeting and our Circle will be properly introduced to the DE."

Lucious- (Pales Drastically) Without questioning the girl further, we floo into the foyer of the manor.

Twenty Minutes Later

Draco- Once everyone is through and the wards snap back into place. (Hums Amused) My father quickly disappears. "You scared him."

Lark- Glaring at the doors the elder Malfoy had disappeared through. (Nods Curtly) "Good."

Draco- (Chuckles) Lark and I lead our Circle through the maze like halls, giving them a proper tour as well as the do's and don'ts.

Later That Night/DE Meeting

Tom- Sitting in my throne glancing at all my masked minions. "I have the most wondrous news." Pausing briefly for dramatic effect. "The Dark Princess and the Malfoy Heir have returned for the summer." Shivers run through the gathered members as they shuffle about and there is muffled snickers from the family. "The Princess and young Malfoy have brought their Circle with them, their Circle is marked with Mockingjays and is a new rising faction."

Marcus- Seeming to be the only one brave enough. "Why is the brats Circle marked differently and why a new faction? How is what they are doing going to help you?"

Tom- Knowing that my granddaughter had entered the room and heard the idiot, it would be most interesting to see how she handled the situation. (Smirks)

Lark- (Sneers) Sharp edged fans in my hands, I twirl and dance as I slice and cut at the idiots face and throat. "Let this be a lesson." The Death Eater drops to the floor bleeding out. "I am not a brat and will not be referred to as such, I am to be respected and so will my Circle. We are a rising faction known as The Grey and we work from the shadows, dismantling the light and giving credit to the dark. After graduation we plan to infiltrate Gringotts, the Ministry and Hogwarts. So if you dare question that our plans do not coincide with my grandfathers, you will be joining your idiot comrade in a swift death." Leaving it at that, I join Draco as we leave the throne room our Circle following behind us.

Tom- Lark has everyone's utter attention and as soon as she made her dramatic exit, all eyes are on me. "You heard the Princess, she is to be respected." Glaring at them as they shrink back. "The Grey is to be left untouched, if anything they are and will be protected." (Hisses) "That is an order!" Finishing up the meeting and sending them out on their missions, I clean up the mess that Lark made.

Narcissia- The last of the DE leave and we remove our masks. "Change is coming."

Remus- Our darling Princess just mercilessly killed a Death Eater like it was nothing.

Sirius- I rest a hand on my mates lower back, trying to ease his nerves.

Severus- (Smiles Proudly) "Indeed and she's dealing out karma like it's candy." Albus Dumbledore is in for a hell of a rude awakening.

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