27) Kiss It Better

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Dragon Reserve, Romania/ Weaselly Cottage

Lark- Nervously glancing around, I knock at the all too familiar door.

Charlie- Hearing a knock at the door, I open it. My eyes widen as I take in the blood shot eyes and tear stained, flushed cheeks of my mate. "Princess." Opening my arms as I brace for the impact to come. "Come here beloved."

Lark- Throwing myself into Charlie's awaiting arms as I literally collide into his chest. (Cries)

Charlie- Having read a copy of the Daily Prophet earlier, I have a feeling I already know what this is about. (Hums Softly) Gently Pickering her up off her feet, I carry her into the cottage as I shut the door behind us. "Want to talk about it?" Walking into the kitchen, I set her on the counter as I get her a cup of hot tea.

Lark- Taking the offered cup as I take a few sips. "Why, of all days. Why the anniversary of my parents death?"

Charlie- (Sighs) Leaning between her parted thighs with my hands either side of her on the counter. "I'm not gonna remotely pretend and tell you that I know my parents. Because in truth I don't. Bill, Percy, the twins and I have had nothing to do with our parents in a long time. So what they did as much of a shock as it is, they had it coming." Reaching up as I gently wipe away the tears and kissing the tip of her nose. "I wish I knew how to ease your pain, to ease the burning rage I see alight in your glowing golden orbs."

Lark- (Purrs) "Alpha." Squeezing my legs around his hips.

Charlie- (Growls Lowly) Feeling my resolve breaking as my inner dragon surfaces. "Are you positive, Princess?"

Lark- Charlie's skin gives off an unnatural heat as his eyes become slitted and glows orange from his inner demonic dragon. (Smirks and Nods) "Take me to bed."

Charlie- Picking her up by the back of her thighs. "Your wish is my command." Carrying her into the master bedroom, I kick the door shut behind us and walk over to the bed as I gently lay her on it. With a wave of my hand and a whispered incantation, the room is heavily warded. (Smirks) Taking the time to admire my mate, I slowly peel off the layers of clothes she wears.

Lark- Once he has me stripped to my bra and panties, it's my turn. He allows me to peel off his clothes, until he's in his boxers.

Charlie- Unhooking her bra and sliding it from her delicate skin, I then pull her panties off.

Lark- Laying stark naked beneath him, I hook my fingers into the waistband of his boxers and pull them down.

Charlie- Laying her back against the silk sheets, sliding between her parted thighs as I hover over her. "You are beautiful, Princess." Trailing my lips along her neck, I nibble at my mark on her shoulder.

Lark- Arching as my toes curl. (Gasps) Coming back down from cloud nine as I blink away the stars and look up at my mate. "When can we complete the bond?"

Charlie- (Hums Thoughtfully) Not really answering her. "You're not ready to complete the bond." I run my fingers rather teasingly down her body from her breasts to her inner thighs.

Lark- Looking at him dazedly and pleadingly. (Whimpers) "Please."

Charlie- (Smiles Fondly) Amused that she has slipped into a submissive drunken haze. "I own you, but you are not ready to be completely claimed." Capturing her lips with my own, I thrust my fingers into her and at just the right angle.

Lark- A white heat floods my veins as stars cloud my vision.

Twenty Minutes Later

Charlie- (Hums Softly) I lay over her blissed our body, trailing my lips along her neck and shoulders.

Lark- (Hums Contently) Slowly coming back down from cloud nine.

Charlie- Nuzzling her cheek as I kiss her jaw. "Feel better?"

Lark- (Nods) "Much better."

Charlie- (Smirks Proudly) Her words sound slurred and she basks in the afterglow of her orgasm.

Lark- Feeling my mates smugness through our bond. "Peacock."

Charlie- (Chuckles) "Your peacock." I cant help but to smother her in kisses as I continue to nibble at my mark that adorns her shoulder.

Lark- (Smiles Brightly) I bask in his affection.

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