13) The Rise Of The Grey

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Headmasters Office, Hogwarts Castle

Albus- My eyes nearly bulge out of their sockets at the headline, then nearly fall out of my skull completely by the time I'm done reading the article;

By; Rita Skeeter

Four weeks ago an unknown group dressed in grey suddenly appeared in the middle of a heated battle between the Order of the Phenix lead by Albus Dumbledore and Death Eaters lead by the Dark Lord. This group took out key players on both sides, that were obviously playing devil's advocate. The battle could have been a lot worse if it wasn't for this new faction coming out to play.

Now many of you fellow readers want to know just who this knew faction on the field is and my loyal followers, I've got the answers! Yes, that is right, I've got the answers.

It took me a week, a week to track down this mysterious group and after wands being pulled and threats slipping off tongues. I made an unbreakable vow on my magic, yes that is right, I swore on my magic that the interview would be word for word and the truth...so here it is;

Rita- (Squeals Excitedly) "Now that the vow and death threats are out of the way, thank you for sitting down and doing this interview." They looked less than pleased, though their leaders looked amused. "May I have your group name and personal names?"

L- (Smirks) "I'm known as Princess and we are the MockingJays, the rising faction known as the Grey."

Rita- (Nods Eagerly) Obviously Princess wasn't a real name so codenames it is. "How about the rest of you?"

L- I gesture to Draco. "Dragon."

D- Sitting beside Lark on the couch across from the only chair where Skeeter sits. (Nods Curtly)

L- I gesture to Julia. "Trigger."

J- Laying across one of the free couches as I twirl a dagger between my fingers. (Smirks and Nods)

L- I gesture to Sofia. "Wolf."

S- Leaning against the wall with my arms crossed as I glare at everyone and everything. (Nods)

L- I gesture to Hazel. "Haze."

H- Standing behind the couch where our leaders sit. (Nods)

L- I gesture to Alexandria. "Ghost."

A- Leaning against the other wall across from Sofia, glaring at everyone and everything. (Nods)

L- Gesturing to Nyla. "Killer."

N- Sitting on the floor by our leaders feet as I twirl a throwing star between my fingers. (Smirks Sinisterly)

L- Gesturing to Dimitri. "Thorn."

D- Standing behind the couch where Julia lays. (Nods Curtly)

L- Gesturing to Kendal. "Rose."

K- Standing beside Dimitri behind the couch where Julia lays. (Nods)

L- Gesturing to Fluer. "Bloody Ballerina"

F- Sitting at Larks feet. (Smirks and Nods)

L- Lastly I gesture to Arabella. "Psycho Ballerina."

A- Sitting at Draco's feet. (Smiles and Giggles)

Rita- To say I was unnerved would be an understatement, hiding my unease I change the subject. "What made you start a new faction?"

L- (Smirks) "The answer is simple really, to bring balance."

Rita- All I could do was stare at the girl. "I'm sorry, can you please explain that?" She jumps into it without missing a beat.

L- "You can't have too much light or too much dark. If one or the other takes over completely the balance is thrown off. You need to have complete balance, one cannot survive without the other or both will die out. It's why we created the Grey to keep the light and dark in complete balance, our job is to keep them from successfully overthrowing each other."

Rita- Thinking about it logically. (Nods Understandingly) "So we need both Albus and the Dark Lord to keep our world running smoothly."

L- "No. We need someone who is Dark and someone who is Light who can work together to keep things in balance so our world can prosper. The Dark Lord is trying to better our world, while Albus is trying to take him out for fame and Glory."

Rita- "Oh."

D- "Basically Albus is sending our world to Hell and our people are letting him!"

Rita- With that the interview was over in a flash, I was lucky enough to get their aliases and a little about why they started the new faction. All I can say is that they are far from thrilled with how the Light and Dark are far from being balanced and they have banded to fix it.

Until next time my faithful readers, Skeeter out~'

(Shouts) "FUCK THE MOTHER OF MERLIN!" Lashing out I destroy my office.

Faux- (Squeaks Hotly) Flaming out of the raving baboons path, I go down to the heart of the castle and alert the Founders portraits of this new development and apparent chink in the headmasters plans for world domination.

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