21) Pesky Mates

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Malfoy Manor/ Two Weeks Later

3rd Person P.O.V- Lark and her Circle has evaded the Dark Family since they have come home for the holidays and they are left with countless questions, like if they had done something or more specifically what Lark and her Circle has to tell them.

(Grand Dining Hall)

Rabastian- Swallowing the bite of egg in my mouth. "What does Lark have to tell us?"

Severus- Swallowing down some coffee. "I've no clue." Partially I did, though it wasn't my secret to tell.

Tom- Everyone's conversation ceases as the doors open, Lark proudly walking in with her expanded Circle. (Nods Curtly)

Lucious- I happen to glance up from the Daily Prophet and spit out the coffee I was drinking. "Why is their Weaselly's in my house?!"

Lark- (Glares)

Severus- (Mutters) "Lucious, do shut up."

Narcissia- Giving my husband a dark look. "I'm sorry who's house?"

Lucious- (Pales Drastically) "Our house, dear."

Narcissia- (Nods Approvingly) Nipper cleaned up my husbands undignified mess. "Please, there is enough breakfast for everyone." They all sit down. "So, new initiates?"

Draco- Shaking my head at my mothers antics.

Lark- Calmly locking eyes with my family as I introduce the newest members of the MockingJays; "Blaze Zambini, Theadore Knot, Daphne Greengrass, Pansy Parkensen, Luna Lovegood, Fred Weaselly, George Weaselly, Percival Weaselly, Ronald Weaselly, Hermione Granger, Ginivera Weaselly, Neville Longbottom, Viktor Krum, Marcos Dragomire, Cedric Diggory and Cho Chang."

Bellatrix- I notice they sit in a certain manner. "Though we are curious, do know that you don't have to answer. Are any of you mates?"

Draco- Glancing at Lark.

Lark- Taking a sip of my tea. (Nods)

Draco- Answering the question. "Yes, some of us has found our mates as you can see." I gesture to the couples. "Julia and Theadore, Sofia and Daphne, Hazel and Pansy, Dimitri and Luna, Nyla and Fred, Kendal and George, Alexandria and Percy, Arabella and Neville, Cedric and Cho, Viktor and Marcos, Blaze and Ginny, Hermione and I."

Sirius- All of it sinks in. (Smiles Proudly) "Congratulations on finding your mates."

Remus- (Rolls Eyes)

Lark- Poking at a piece of sausage. "Fluer believes her mate is William Weaselly and we are in the process of helping Ron find his."

Fluer- Knowing how Lark feels. (Smiles Softly)

Narcissia- Taking a sip of my coffee. "That's great, I'm sure if Fate wills it, it'll all work out."

Draco- (Snickers) "Larks mate is Charlie Weaselly!"

Tom, Severus, Sirius and Remus- We all spit out whatever we are eating or drinking. (Coughs)

Remus- The first to recover. (Smiles Proudly) "That's great cub."

Sirius- (Smiles and Nods) "A Dragon Tamer, Fate and Lady Magic couldn't have picked better!"

Severus- (Smiles Softly) "As long as he treats you like the Princess you are, I approve."

Tom- (Nods Agreeingly)

Narcissia and Bellatrix- (Smiles Happily and Giggles)

Lark- (Sighs Softly and Smiles) The weight that weighed heavily on my heart has lifted as the family took the news a lot better than was originally expected.

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