36) Nineteen Years Later

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Hogwarts Castle

Lark- Sitting at my desk, I spend what little time I have left before the term begins going over school plans. (Sighs Heavily)

Charlie- The chill of the dungeon wracks my spine as I walk into the office attached to the Defense/DarkArts Class Room. (Smiles Fondly) "My Queen." Leaning on the desk as I hover over my beautiful mate, I plant my lips against hers.

Lark- (Moans Happily) I return the kiss eagerly.

Charlie- (Smirks Smugly) The glare I get is rather adorable. "How is the lesson plans coming?"

Lark- (Sighs Dramatically) Looking down at the stacks of paper that has been properly sorted to year. "Quiet well actually and your Creatures?"

Charlie- (Smiles Brightly) "Awesome, I can't wait for the year to begin!"

Lark- I knew Charlie was having a hard time giving up his career as a Dragon Tamer, but
everyone knew that to get me and my children into Hogwarts Charlie had to be a teacher too. "I still feel guilty that you had to give up your career for this."

Charlie- (Coos) "You are my Queen Lark, you and the children mean the world to me so I gave up nothing!" Resting my hand on her swollen belly as I rub in soothing circles. "I love you my Queen and nothing shall ever change that. Now how is our Princess?

Lark- (Smiles Fondly) Due to my hormones being out of whack yet again, I have to wipe away the tears. "I love you too and she is kicking apart my insides for all she is worth."

Charlie- (Chuckles Softly) "She knows you're flustered and it's got her attention." I continued to rub soothing circles around my mates belly, watching her melt into her chair.

Lark- (Hums) I was practically melting beneath his touch, until I remembered something and sat up quickly startling my mate. "Oh, I came across this when I first began going through my lesson plans." I hand him the crumbled piece of parchment.

Charlie- Taking the fragile piece of parchment, I read it over;

'Grey Children and Where They Are Sorted
Teddy Black-4th Year HufflePuff
James Prince-4th Year Gryffindor
Kovis Prince-4th Year Slytherin
Lilli Prince-4th Year RavenClaw

Gabriel Weaselly-3rd Year Gryffindor
Aubrey Weaselly-3rd Year RavenClaw
Hugo Malfoy-3rd Year Slytherin
Xander Barton-3rd Year Gryffindor
Marina Barnes-3rd Year Gryffindor
Presley Watson-3rd Year RavenClaw
Louis Hendrix-3rd Year HufflePuff
Rose Weaselly-3rd Year RavenClaw
Lucy Weaselly-3rd Year HufflePuff
Victorie Weaselly-3rd Year RavenClaw
Harper Longbottom-3rd Year HufflePuff
Lysander Dragomire-3rd Year Gryffindor
Lorcan Dragomire-3rd Year Gryffindor
Molly Zambini-3rd Year Slytherin
Indigo Weaselly- 3rd Year Gryffindor

Scorpious Malfoy-2nd Year Slytherin
Carsten Barton-2nd Year Gryffindor
Soren Watson-2nd Year RavenClaw
Trinity Hendrix-2nd Year HufflePuff
Zelda Weaselly-2nd Year Gryffindor
Levi Weaselly-2nd Year Gryffindor
Chloe Longbottom-2nd Year HufflePuff
Roxanne Zambini-2nd Year Slytherin'

Handing it back to my mate. "Where did it come from?"

Lark- Putting it back into the front of my lesson planner. "I don't know, maybe Minivera?"

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