11) Beauty and Pain

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Four Months Later

3rd Person P.O.V- Training for Lark is literal Hell, on top of it is all her magical classes and training with Draco as well as separate training with their Circle the MockingJays.

Lark- Dressed in a baby blue leotard with a matching sheer knee length skirt that flows and white stockings that hug my legs with dark blue silk point shoes adorning my dainty feet. Two sharp edged fans in my hands, I'm poised in grace and ready to kill.

Madame Maxime- Looking the petite girls form up and down. (Smiles Proudly) "Perfect, utterly perfect. Show me how skilled you are without a silly wand." My belief is to teach my students wandless and wordless magic, to me a wand is nothing but a tool.

Lark- Classic instrumental music fills the air, my body gracefully moves with the rhythm as I twist and turn, I demolish every practice dummy that is in my line of sight.

3rd Person P.O.V- Chunks and splinters of wood as well as sand, oil, wheels, rope, metal brackets and screws go scattering around the room.

Madam Maxime- Glancing around at the utter destruction that looks like a murder scene, impressed and curious. (Claps) The music comes to an end and she takes a bow, folding her fans. "That was spectacular. If I may ask, what triggered such violence?"

Lark- Preening at the praise, I pause to think about the question. "A madman took me from my biological family whom I've recently reunited with before I started here. I was raised with Magic hating muggles who were very abusive and very nearly killed me."

Madam Maxime- To lay a hand on any child magical or muggle is barbaric, though to lay a hand on a creature child is treason. (Hums and Nods) "You are a very strong young woman with a very bright soul and big future ahead of you." Running my fingers through her sweaty, tangled hair. "You are a blessed child and I am proud to call you one of my students." Leaving it at that, I leave her.

Lark- Watching Madam Maxime leave as I think over her words. (Smiles) My trainer waves me away as she begins to clean up the mess made, grabbing my bag with my belongings I give my goodbye and head off to my shared dormitory.

Creature Dormitory

Draco- Hearing the bedroom door open, I glance up from my charms book seeing Lark dressed in her ballet uniform. "Rough training session?"

Lark- Entering the room as I shut the door behind me, tossing my bag to the floor as I sit at my vanity starring at my reflection. (Hums Softly) "Madam Maxime believes I am strong with a bright soul and big future ahead of me."

Draco- Setting aside my books as I get up and start undoing her messy bun and braid. "She's not wrong." Taking her brush, I gently detangle the mess that is her unruly fiery mane.

Lark- (Sighs) Shifting slightly bringing one leg up at a time and undoing the ribbons around my ankles as I slip my point shoes off, rubbing my aching toes. "I was and am still so broken. I don't feel that strength that everyone sees exude or see the brightness of my shattered soul and until I reunited with my real family, I didn't even have a future to look forward too."

Draco- Listening to her silently as I brush the knots from her hair. "Beauty from pain, Lark." Leaving it at that, I set her brush down as I press my lips to her cheek. Standing back up, I walk back over to my bed where I sit back down and pick up my books and continue to study.

Lark- Glancing up at my reflection that mirrors pale skin that's kissed by freckles and marred by scars, with vibrant green eyes sticking out in a sea of fiery red hair. (Mutters Softly) "Beauty from pain."

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