29) Baby Fever

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One Month Later

Severus- Walking into Tom's office. "Have you seen Lark?"

Tom- Glancing up from an important contract. "Should I have?"

Severus- (Sighs Heavily) Sitting in a chair. "I feel terrible."

Tom- (Frowns) Giving him my fullest attention. "Why?"

Severus- Twisting my fingers into the cloak I wear nervously. "I wasn't there to protect her for the first twelve years of her life. She's home a few short months and is shipped off to France for foreign schooling. She finds out that not only was I bonded once in a triad, I've done it a second time. I get knocked up and her siblings are born on her birthday. None of us has spent any amount of time with her beside the full moons. I'm assuming she goes to Narcissia and Bellatrix for womanly stuff. I know she is closest to you out of everyone and I'm not jealous, I just feel like I've let her down in some monumental way."

Tom- I listen to him silently, then get up and kneel in front of him. "You didn't let her down and the three of you are amazing parents. I'm assuming this break down is caused by hormones?" I wipe away his tears as he looks at me through widened eyes. (Chuckles) "Severus, obviously I know you your pregnant again. You guys should actually sit down and talk to Lark, you'd be surprised."

Severus- (Nods) "Where can we find her?"

Tom- Sitting back down at my desk. "In the play room with the triplets, if I may, do you know what you're having?"

Severus- (Blushes Deeply) "Twins, a boy and a girl."

Tom- (Chuckles) "Good luck."

Severus- Giving him a pinched face, I get up and leave the office.

Sirius- Remus and I were exiting the library, when we find our mate.

Remus- Wrapping my arms around Severus. (Hums Contently) "Where are you off too?"

Severus- Melting into Remus. "To the play room, it's where Lark and the triplets are."

Sirius- Leading the way. "Let's go!"


Charlie- I sit in a bean bag, watching Lark as she sits cross legged on the floor. (Smiles Fondly)

Lark- James sits beside me playing with two Muggle toy cars, while Kovis lays on the other side coloring in a Muggle coloring book. Lilli sits in my lap reading a magic children's book as I braid her hair. (Smiles Contently)

Remus- We watch for a few moments, before disturbing such an adorable scene.

Sirius- Being the first to walk in as I sit across from our children. "Lark, sweetie can we talk to you?"

Remus- Severus sits beside Siri and I sit on the other side of him. "It's important Princess."

Lark- Glancing up from my sisters hair, to our parents. (Nods)

Severus- Biting at my bottom lip. "Are you mad at us for anything?"

Lark- I finish the braid and tie an elastic in place to keep it. "I'm sorry, but what makes you think I'm mad?"

Sirius- Giving her a confused look. "You are never home and when you are, you evade us and normally the triplets. Did we do something, are you not happy with them about something?"

Lark- I think about the nicest way I could word this. "I'm never home, because I have a job that requires me to be away. I evade the family at first because it'll freak you all out to see me covered head to toe in blood and injured. I take a bit of me time to heal, when I get back from work." Thinking over my words carefully for the next part. "You can't undo the past as you never knew I existed until Aunt Narcissia and Aunt Bella brought me home. I don't blame any of you for what Dumble-Dick did. No, I'm not mad at any of you as there is no reason for me to be. No, I'm not mad at the triplets. Their mere existence brings me utter joy and when I said you gave me the best birthday gift a year ago, that was a dare to top it as you didn't do too good this year." (Smirks Coyly) Looking between my three parental figures amused. "Anything else?"

Remus- I was stunned speechless.

Sirius- There was nothing I could say to top what she said. "Sev, this is all you babe."

Severus- Resting my hands against my toned abdomen. "I'm pregnant again."

Remus- We weren't expecting him to say that.

Lark- (Smiles Brightly) "Really, that's awesome. What little sibling am I having this time?"

Severus- (Smiles Fondly) "Twins, a boy and girl."

Lark- (Giggles) "Look at that you three, we are having siblings!" I smother the triplets in kisses, which makes them squeal.

Remus- Lark took the news delightedly.

Sirius- Seeing our daughter so happy, made us happy. (Smiles)

Charlie- Seeing my mate with her baby siblings, not only made me happy but let me know that she was ready to be claimed and that we were ready to have a family of our own.

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