15) Birthday Gifts

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One Month Later

3rd Person P.O.V- Time flys by for the MockingJays as June quickly turns into July. Advanced training comes to an end for the Princess and her Circle as the Grey appears sporadically taking out both Light and Dark supporters, continuing to keep the balance.

July 31st

Draco- Sneaking into Larks room, I walk over to the bed and climb into it. "Lark?" Running my knuckles against her freckle kissed cheek. (Smiles Fondly) "Time to wake up our dearest Princess."

Lark- (Groans Softly) Rolling over as I rub at my eyes. "Dragon." Sitting up, I hear the door creak open as our Circle enters and the door shuts behind them. (Smiles Fondly)

Draco- Running my fingers through her tangled fiery curls. "I wanted to wake you up before they entered and we wished to give you our presents in private."

Lark- (Hums and Nods) Curling up beside Draco to give everyone more room, they all climb into my bed.

Draco- Going first, I hold out a small wrapped box. (Smiles)

Lark- Taking the green wrapped package, I open it and find a black velvet box. Opening it, I find a charmed silver necklace with our symbol dangling delicately. (Smiles Happily) "It's perfect Dragon, thank you."

Draco- Taking the necklace from it's box, I place it around her neck. (Smiles)

Lark- The necklace now clipped into place as I feel all the wards and spells merge with my magic. (Hums)

Julia- We wait patiently for Draco to give his gift. (Shrieks Excitedly) "MY TURN!" I hand our Princess the box that was in my hands. "Happy Birthday."

Lark- Taking the long shaped box, I flip open the lid and find a bow with four different sets of arrows. (Smirks) "This is going to be quite useful, thank you Trigger."

Julia- I preen at the praise. (Smiles Brightly)

Draco- I quickly remove the item from Larks lap, so she may continue to receive our Circles gifts.

Sofia- "Happy Birthday, Princess." I set another longish box into her lap.

Lark- I open this next box and it's a Elvin sword sheathed in the finest leather. "This is magnificent, thank you Wolf."

Sofia- (Blushes Deeply)

Draco- Lark hands me the box and I set it aside.

Hazel- I set a smaller sized box into our Princesses lap. "Happy Birthday."

Lark- Unwrapping the box and opening it, I find a set of the sharpest throwing stars with a pouch of the finest leather. (Nods) "These are rather lethal and beautiful, thank you Haze."

Hazel- (Smiles Brightly)

Draco- I take the small package and set it with the others.

Alexandria- Handing our Princess a medium sized box. "Happy Birthday."

Lark- Opening the box, I find a set of sharp edged fans and a new set of point shoes. (Smiles Fondly) "Thank you, Ghost."

Alexandria- (Smiles and Nods)

Draco- A bit confused by the simple statement, I glance into the box and looking over the objects immediately understanding.

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