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Three Months Later, December 5th

3rd Person P.O.V- Shockingly snow doesn't fall on the reserve and that is more than all right with the six month pregnant witch.

Charlie- Coming home for lunch, I find my beautiful mate curled up in nothing but a navy blue sweater that practically swallows her and a pair of matching silk panties. (Smiles Fondly) Leaning over the back of the dining room table chair where she sits, I lean my hands on the table as I nuzzle at her neck. (Growls Lowly)

Lark- (Hums) Taking a sip of my hot chocolate before setting it aside. "How has your day been so far?"

Charlie- Pressing heated kisses to her jaw. "Busy, I'm currently working with a new born Black Knight Dragon."

Lark- I notice the newly healed burns going up his wrists. "Fun."

Charlie- Pressing my face into her hair, ruffling it. "What are you reading?"

Lark- (Giggles) Though slurred, I could still make out what was asked. "I'm reading a copy of the Daily Prophet, I've been away from Wizarding Britain for so long, so it's good to catch up."

Charlie- (Sighs Softly and Smiles) "I know what you mean." Getting myself a cup of coffee and a plate of leftovers, I sit down for a quick lunch. "So what is happening back home?"

Lark- My mate digs into his food and looks at me generally interested in knowing. "Well..." Scanning the front page, I quickly flip through to the correct page and continue reading;

By; Belinda Harris

That's right readers, I've got the latest and juiciest dish on 'The Grey'
The groups original members;
Lark Prince
Draco Malfoy
Julia Barton
Sofia Barnes
Hazel Watson
Alexandria Bagans
Nyla Manson
Dimitri Hendrix
Kendal James
Fluer Delacour
Arabella Delacour
That banded together at Beauboxtons Academy and expanded during the Tri-Wizard Tournament;
Viktor Krum
Marcos Dragomire
Cedric Diggory
Cho Chang
Hermione Granger
Theadore Knot
Daphne Greengrass
Pansy Parkensen
Luna Lovegood
Fred Weaselly
George Weaselly
Neville Longbottom
Blaze Zambini
Ronald Weaselly
Ginivera Weaselly
Love is in the air readers, yes it is! I'm proud to say that I was the first outside immediate family to congratulate them all on their engagement, weddings and soul bondings! That's right, some of them did it old fashioned and put a ring on it, while many being creatures skipped being traditional all together and went straight for the bonding ritual.
Congratulations are in order for the couples;
Charlie and Lark Prince-Weaselly (BONDED)
Draco and Athena Estrange-Malfoy (BONDED)
Julia and Theadore Knot-Barton (MARRIED)
Sofia and Daphne Greengrass-Barnes (ENGAGED)
Hazel and Pansy Parkensen-Watson (ENGAGED)
Dimitri and Luna Lovegood-Hendrix (ENGAGED)
Fred and Nyla Manson-Weaselly (MARRIED)
George and Kendal James-Weaselly (MARRIED)
William and Fluer Delacour-Weaselly (BONDED)
Neville and Arabella Delacour-Longbottom (ENGAGED)
Marcos and Viktor Krum-Dragomire (BONDED)
Blaze and Ginivera Weaselly-Zambini (MARRIED)
Ronald and Bartholomew Estrange-Weaselly (ENGAGED)

And let's take a moment of silence as we put our wands up in memory of Cedric Diggory and his mate Cho Chang. The innocent boy who was wrongly killed in a madman's game and his mate who died three weeks later to the day.

Once more congratulations to the happy couples, may the fates bless them long and fruitful lives.
Till next time~Belinda'

Charlie- Finishing up my lunch, I wash the dishes. (Chuckles) "That was enlightening."

Lark- (Hums Amused) Folding up the paper, I set it aside. "I can't wait to read the headline, for the announcement of all our children."

Charlie- Once more leaning on the table as I lean over her. (Laughs) "Now that ought to be a good read!" Resting my hand lightly on her swollen belly as I give her a kiss. "I love you all so much."

Lark- (Smiles Happily) "Love you too."

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