34) So...This is Family

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Three Months Later, March 15th/ Dragon Reserve Romania

Charlie- Holding a newborn Wyvern, bottle feeding it.

Ashlyn- Watching Charlie feed yet another newborn dragon. (Shakes Head) "How do you do it?"

Charlie- (Smirks Coyly) "I've got the magic touch."

Adam- (Laughs) "You got something."

Jace- I was watching silently until this silvery dragon thing appear from nowhere. "Charlie, I think it's for you."

Charlie- My mates patronous appears suddenly as it relays a rather quick and distorted message. "I've got to go, my mate is in labor." I hand the baby dragon to Ashlyn.

Ashlyn- My eyes widen as the dragon is forced into my arms. (Mutters Lowly)

Jace and Adam- (Smirks) "GOOD LUCK!"

Charlie- Waving goodbye, I quickly apparate back to the cottage.

Weaselly Cottage

Lark- It was a very boring morning really, I mostly spent it on the couch reading. Glancing up at the sound of a harsh crack. (Smiles Tearily) "Charlie..."

Charlie- Seeing my mate splayed out on the couch, arched dangerously gripping unto it for dear life. (Coos) "I'm here Princess." I feel my wings unfurl as my skin heats from within. (Growls Lowly) I immediately kneel at her side, running my fingers through her sweat slicked hair.

Lark- Looking into his glowing orange slitted eyes. "Please, for Merlin's sake..." (Shrieks) "GET THEM OUT!"

Charlie- Removing her sweater and helping her into a better position, I lengthen my nails into claws. (Coos Softly) "I love you." Pressing my lips to hers, I murmur a quick numbing spell before cutting into her lower abdomen and separating the skin. "Few more moments love." I gently pull out our first child and clean him up, handing him to Lark. Then I pull out our second child and clean her up, handing her to Lark as well. (Smiles Happily) Once the twins are situated in my mates arms, I make quick work of healing my mate and cleaning her.

Lark- I look down at the two little squirming bundles on my arms. (Smiles Tearily) "Ours..."

Charlie- (Purrs) Giving my mate a passionate kiss. "Ours."

Later That Night

Lark- Dressed in jeans and a tee shirt. (Hums Happily) "I can fit into my clothes again."

Charlie- (Smirks Deviously) Resting my hands on her hips as I bite at the mark on her neck. "Not for long."

Lark- (Rolls Eyes) Getting the twins all dolled up, I lay them on a thick fur blanket for a couple of pictures.

Charlie- I watch curiously. "Who are you sending those too?"

Lark- (Hums Thoughtfully) "Oh you know, the family and maybe the Daily Prophet."

Charlie- Shaking my head. "You are devious love."

Lark- Picking the twins up into my arms as I press us up to my mates chest. "You love me."

Charlie- Wrapping my arms around my mates waist, being mindful of our twins. "So very much."

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