25) Beginning Of Something New

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Three Months Later

3rd Person P.O.V- Since the War has 'Officially' ended and the 'True Evil' Lord has been vanquished, a lot has changed. The biggest being that the Wizarding World has found peace. Tom Gaunt having worked within the shadows of the Ministry moved up the ranks quickly, easily becoming Minister at the next election. Another monumental thing is that Lark and Draco with their Circle has tested out, finishing school.

Malfoy Manor

Draco- Walking into the family room. "Has anyone seen Lark?"

Sirius- Sitting on the floor and playing with the triplets, I glance up at the young Veela. "No, we haven't. We assumed the Circle was training or out conducting Grey business."

Draco- Shaking my head. "We trained early this morning, then Lark disappeared."

Sirius- My eyes widen. "She's missing?"

Remus- Their conversation catches my attention. "What do you mean she's missing?"

Draco- Seeing their looks, it was probably a bad idea to come to talk to them. "I don't know, I thought maybe she was with you her siblings..."

Severus- Walking into the room with the triplets bottles, I notice my mates panicked looks. "What's wrong?"

Sirius- Making sure the triplets are entertained with their toys, I get up. "Lark is missing."

Severus- Looking from my mates to Draco. "She's not with the Circle?"

Draco- Shaking my head. "She disappeared after training, I thought she'd be here."

Remus- (Sighs) "Has anyone thought to check with Tom?"

Sirius- We turn to look at Rem. "No and he's busy with Ministry stuff, we shouldn't bother him."

Remus- Shaking my head at my mates antics. "True, but he might know where our sought is, he seems to share a bond with her none of us do. It wouldn't hurt to make a quick floo call, I'm sure he can spare a few moments."

Severus- Giving the triplets their bottles, I walk over to the fireplace and throw in some floo powered as I call out the address for Tom's office.

Tom- My fireplace lights up, startling me from my work. "Severus, what is it?"

Severus- Glancing back at my mates, I then glance at Tom once more. "Have you seen or heard from Lark, she's gone missing."

Tom- I knew this would come up eventually. "Severus I know this isn't something you want to hear, but the girl has recently turned fifteen."

Severus- (Frowns) "We are aware."

Tom- Shaking my head. "Obviously you aren't, none of you have had the time to properly talk to her about anything. She's been a mess since the Tournament and has come to me because she didn't know what to do when she felt the need for her mate."

Severus- My eyes widen as tears begin to well up. (Gasps Softly) "She probably thinks we hate her."

Sirius- Hearing my mate in distress, I rush to his side. "No love, that's not possible. She knows we love her, we've just been a bit preoccupied with the triplets and I'm sure she'll understand."

Remus- Kneeling on the other side of Severus as Sirius comforts him, I address Tom. "That is where Lark has been disappearing too then, she's with her mate?"

Tom- Looking between the triad rather bemused. "I know you care, but let this go. Do not intervene in this, she needs her mate and you need to continue to take care of the triplets." Before the could argue, I end the call.

Remus- He ends the call and we stare into the empty fireplace, thinking about what was said.

Sirius- Holding Severus to my chest as I sway back and forth gently. "Who is Larks mate again?"

Remus- (Sighs Heavily) "No, Padfoot."

Sirius- (Whines) "But, Mooney!"

Severus- Giving my mate a pinch to his ribs. "NO!"

Sirius- Rubbing my aching ribs. "Okay, I get the point." (Smiles Fondly) Giving our feisty Submissive a kiss, the three of us crawl over to the triplets and enjoy playing with them.

KnockTurn Alley/ Hotel

Charlie- Laying twisted in the silk sheets with my mate. (Hums Happily) I roll over the top of her as I pin her petite body beneath mine, trailing my lips along her neck that bears my mark. "You really are something special."

Lark- Tilting my head back as my arches and my toes curl, pleasure burns through my veins in waves. (Gasps Softly)

Charlie- Entwining our fingers as I capture her lips with my own. "I love you, my Hybrid."

Lark- (Hums and Smiles) "I love you too my Dragon Demon."

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