7) School Acceptance Letters

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Four Days Later

3rd Person P.O.V- There was a calm and peaceful air as the dark family enjoyed their breakfast, but it was soon broken.

Tom-  All conversation ceases when the dining room doors open and the Blacks enter along with the young Hybrid. (Raises Eyebrow Inquiringly) Setting my coffee aside as I glance up from the Daily Prophet.

Lucious- Curiosity winning out and before Tom could ask the triad anything. "How was her first moon?"

Severus- Getting seated at the table as I pour myself a much needed cup of coffee. "It was eventful."

Sirius- I pile Severus' plate with food and make sure he eats it. (Smirks) "She's like Mooney if not worse, when it comes to the week before and after the moon. Though she is brilliant, strong and one with herself."

Remus- (Hums Agreeingly) Listening to the conversation silently as I sip at my coffee, watching every move the young Malfoy Heir makes around our daughter.

Draco- Being mindful of the protective wolf, I push a plate of food in front of my cousin. "We got our letters today."

Lark- Picking at the bacon. "Letters?"

Draco- (Smiles Widely) "For school." I hold up a pile of multiple letters. "Here is yours, I've already read mine." I place them in front of her as well.

Lark- Pushing the plate to the side, I examine the letters. "So many good options; Hogwarts, Silvermore, Salem, Durmstrung, Beauxtons." (Hums Thoughtfully) I take the time to read each letter, weighing the pros and cons of each school. "What have you chosen Draco?"

Draco- (Sighs Heavily) "I originally wanted to go to Durmstrung, but I was told no...again...that I'm needed at Hogwarts."

Lark- (Rolls Eyes) "Bullshit. You're how old, pick a school Draconian!"

Draco- Getting a bemused look from my mother and a rather scathing look from my father. "Wherever you are going?" Hoping she'd get the hint.

Lark- (Hums) Holding up the parchment for the French Institute. "Then we are going to Beauxtons, time to go shopping for our school supplies."

Narcissia- As the house elves begin to clean up. "Kids, Aunty Bella and I'll meet you by the door. When we get back, you'll immediately write you're owls in response."

Bellatrix- I skip off to the front foyer. (Laughs Delightedly)

Lark- Watching the less than sane woman skip off. "There is really something wrong with Aunty Bella."

Draco- (Chuckles) "She came home like that from Azkabane."

Lark- Not bothering to question him, I pick up the other letters and give them to my grandfather. "The one from Hogwarts, it's not addressed to me and it feels off."

Tom- Taking the letter, I check it for charms and spells. (Sighs) "You nor Draco are returning to that school."

Lucious- Looking rather put out. "But...."

Tom- Glaring at Lucious. "My answer is final Lucious. The children are being sent away for their safety, do not defy me because of some family pride thing you have going on. My granddaughters safety is more important and honestly so is your sons." I wave the kids out.

One Hour Later/ Diagon Alley

Lark- Slowly walking shop to shop in order to get what we need or just window shopping as we have most of it.

Draco- Glancing around and making sure my mother and our Aunt aren't in ear shot. "Are we gonna talk about earlier?"

Lark- Shaking my head. "Nope, it's not our concern."

Draco- Seeing the conversation was finished, we get the last of what we need and head back home.

Malfoy Manor

3rd Person P.O.V- As the teens owl'd off their responses to the school they wish to attend the coming year. Tom called a meeting with the DE, planning to ruin Dumbledore from the inside. He already had multiple spies, but it wouldn't hurt to have another would it?

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