8) Silver Arrow

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French Pyrenees, France

3rd Person P.O.V- A quick apparition, then a two hour carriage ride later the new and returning students arrive at the prestigious castle that's nestled in a beautiful gardened landscape.

Draco- Stepping out of the carriage I help Lark. "This place is amazing."

Lark- Taking in the otherworldly beauty. (Nods Agreeingly) "Better than Hogwarts." Making sure to have my things, I take Draco's hand and we follow the students into a field.

Draco- I notice that the returning students are gathered into three groups that must represent the houses. "This is different." We watch as the first years shoot off a silver arrow and it gives a spark of color.

Lark- (Hums) It doesn't take long for the last of the first years to be called up.

Madam Maxime- Once the last first year is sorted. "This year we have two third year transfer students. They are family, we protect our own." I call up young Malfoy and Prince one by one.

Draco- Hearing my name, I walk to where the Head Mistress is, taking the offered bow and an arrow. Following direction, I shoot it off and get the color grey.

Madam Maxime- (Nods Encouragingly) Gesturing over to the boys house. "OmbreLune, it suites you."

Draco- Handing back the bow. (Smiles) I join my house mates in my year.

Lark- My name is called after Draco's as I walk up to the Head Mistress taking the offered bow. Following direction, I shoot off the arrow getting the colors green, grey and purple.

Madam Maxime- (Gasps) "Never has this happened in the history of this school. Ms Prince you have characteristics to all three houses." (Smiles Brightly) "Children, we have our first ever school Princess and Champion."

3rd Person P.O.V- The sorting came to an end with the students breaking out into cheer as everyone gathers in the great hall where the welcoming feast commences.

Draco- Getting my food I find Lark and sit with her. (Smiles) "Can you tell me a bit about our houses?"

Lark- (Nods) Taking a sip of my juice, I reach into my satchel pulling out my book and turn to the chapter on our houses. "Your house Ombrelune is well known for the cunning, logic, ambition and curiosity. The house colour is grey and the house is symbolised by a sinister looking moon. The members of this house are very often those that prescribe to the concept of "the end justifies the means", as they can be manipulative and cunning. They are very cool and calculating students who are very adverse to irrationality and prize people for making well thought-out and logical decisions. Ombrelune students are cold, rarely display emotion openly unless they see some direct gain in doing so. They are in the most ambitious of the Beauxbatons houses. They are very smart, logical and structured. They are very curious interested in the world and the intricate way it works in. Ombrelune students often strive for power and perfection more than anything else."

Draco- (Mutters) "Sounds like Slytherin."

Lark- (Nods Agreeingly) "And I've got strong traits for it."

Draco- Taking a bite of my pasta. "What about the other two houses?"

Lark- Flipping to the correct page. "The Bellefeuille is well known for bravery, sensitivity, loyalty and love of nature. The house colour is green and the house is symbolised by five leaves. The students that are members of this house are lovers of nature with a strong sense of bravery and loyalty to all they hold dear to them. These students are caring and sensitive to people's needs around them. They are hard efficient workers and are characteristically book smart. The students sorted into this house think the necessities of life are what is important they prize family and friends above all else. Bellefeuille students often feel a strong connection with nature, are caring and kind to animals as well as respect all aspects of flora and fauna. They often have a good and quick perception of the emotions around them, knowing how to act accordingly in most situations. Bellefeuille students are realists through and through. May it be that they are not the smartest, they surely get their work done. Those of Bellefeuille usually find physical activities more enjoyable than those that require logical thinking and are often skilled with their hands, knowing how to craft different things." Pausing as I flip to another page. "The Papillonlisse is well known for kindness, artistic ability, maturity and idealistically. The house colour is purple and the house is symbolized by a butterfly alighting on a leaf. Students that are sorted into this house are naturally gifted in the arts, they are thoughtful of all others around them as well as being kind and gentle. Some students of this house have a tendency to have a fluttery personality and are very social people. Those sorted into this house have a tendency to be quite spur of the moment and unpredictable people. Students selected in this house are prized for their sophistication and surprising maturity at all ages, they prize beauty of the mind and beauty of appearance above many other characteristics and are always striving to improve aesthetic qualities of life. Students of Papillonlisse are often daydreamers, hopeless romantics, those that want to change the world with their idealism and undying love. They often fail to see things for what there are as they are not the most analytic of all people. Those sorted into this house value the humanist approach through to the world, they don't learn to gather knowledge but learn to become a better person. They are introverts focused on their own internal state. Papillonlisse students are often very emotional, bring strong feelings and strong dedication into their work."

Draco- Thinking it all over as we finish our food. Glancing up the closest tables, the students are all looking at us with looks of adoration. "Either we've got friends, guardians or royal subjects."

Lark- A bit on edge by all the staring. "I think it's a bit of all three." Getting up and emptying our trays. We leave the great hall, noticing the students from the three closest tables have followed. (Hums Thoughtfully) "Time to train our followers." 

Draco- (Nods Agreeingly)

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