26) Short Reign Of Terror

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Three Months Later/ November 1st

3rd Person P.O.V- Some hard core Dumbledore supporters, who believed their Leader couldn't have done the things he was accused and killed for, continued to work tiresomely for the Greater Good.

Malfoy Manor

Lucious- Since the night of October 31st, our Lord and Minister has started working from home, so with the Daily Prophet in hand I walk to his office and open the door without knocking. "My Lord?"

Tom- I've been working on Ministry contracts for the past three hours, hearing the door open I glance up at the blonde whom called for me. "Yes, Lucious?"

Lucious- (Smirks Slyly) "I know you are busy with work, but this may just tickle your funny bone." I hand him the paper.

Tom- Looking at the aristocratic Blonde unamused, I take the offered paper and flip it open as my eyes widen to saucers.

By; Belinda Harris

Yes readers, you all read that correctly. October 31st at twelve noon, the rebel group the
'Order Of The Phoenix' consisting of members;
Molly Weaselly
Arthur Weaselly
Alastor Moody
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Irene Shacklebolt
Nymphadora Tonks
Rubeus Haggrid
Elphias Doge
Mundungus Fletcher
Had stormed the Ministry just as the Minister himself was in the atrium escorting out a Foreign Official after an important meeting.
Molly Weaselly shrieked, yes shrieked at the top her lungs that our beloved Minister was the 'Dark Lord Voldemort' and Albus was wrongly accused and sentenced to death. Needless to say she was laughed at not only by everyone in the atrium, but also the Minister himself. Arthur Weaselly didn't take too kindly to his wife and their claims being laughed at, he was the one to cast the first hex and a fight ensued. The Minister has private security, oh yes we all know this group as 'The Grey' and if it wasn't for the group making themselves known as soon as the rebels made the first attack, there would be more casualties.

Imprisoned/ Waiting Trial;
Molly Weaselly
Arthur Weaselly
Kingsley Shacklebolt
Rubeus Haggrid
Mundungus Fletcher

Alastor Moody
Irene Shacklebolt
Nymphadora Tonks
Elphias Doge

Those that worked within the Ministry and closely worked with the Rebels were fired and stripped of any titles they owned. Many are in cells awaiting trial, though for the ones we lost a moment of silence please.

May the Fates finally bless us with peace, till next time my faithful readers. ~Belinda'

(Frowns Deeply) I hand the paper back to the waiting blonde. "They knew what they were doing, when picking that date."

Lucious- Taking the paper and folding it. (Nods Solemnly) We both jump out of our skin, when the door is slammed open.

Lark- Standing in the doorway to the office, my eyes glowing a liquid gold. (Hisses Violently) ~They had no right, to tarnish a sacred memory~

Tom- Fury burns in the golden orbs as tears stain flushed cheeks. (Hisses Softly) ~The Grey took care of it, the memory of you parents deaths lives untarnished~ Obviously I didn't say the right thing.

Lark- (Shrieks Loudly)

Lucious- Dropping the paper back unto the desk I grab at my ringing ears.

Sirius- Severus and I just laid the triplets down for a nap. Hearing the loud shriek, we rush to Tom's office. "What's wrong?"

Severus- Looking around frantically for my eldest daughter. "Where is she?" I notice Tom looks rather sick and Lucious is scared shitless. "What happened?"

Lucious- Pointing at the Daily Prophet on the desk. "She found out and came in here all pissy."

Tom- (Sighs) I rub at my temples, in attempt to sooth away the headache. "I attempted to calm her down, but I very obviously didn't say the right thing."

Lucious- My eyes widen to the point they nearly pop out of my skull as I make wild hand gestures. "She shrieked bloody murder and then puffed away in a cloud of grey smoke that left behind that mess!" I point at the mess on the floor, in front of the desk.

Sirius- I was beginning to think Lucious needed to see a mind healer.

Severus- I give Tom a headache reliever and Lucious a calming drought. (Sighs Heavily)

Sirius- Walking over to the area Lucious pointed at, I bend down and pick up one of the small items. "Severus dear?"

Severus- Turning my attention to my mate. (Hums) "Yes?"

Sirius- Showing him the item. "This is advanced magic, she didn't just puff into smoke. She shadow walked leaving behind Grey rose petals."

Tom- My eyes widen in realization. "They can all do it, it's their signature."

Severus- Looking around the room. "Question is, where is she now?"

Tom- Though I wanted too, I refrained from slamming my face off my desk. "She's where she needs to be right now."

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