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Malfoy Manor

Narcissia- I apparate us into the front foyer.

Grace- Appearing before my Mistress. "Mistress Cissia."

Narcissia- (Smiles Kindly) Handing Grace all of Larks shrunken belongings. "Take these to the family wing and place them into the room across from Draco's." Giving her an order with leeway to do as she pleased, knowing she'd go crazy decorating the room for Lark.

Grace- It dawns on me who the young Hybrid is and I take the items without question. "Yes Mistress." Popping away, I take on the daunting task of setting up an immaculate room for the Dark Princess.

Lark- Stepping foot into Malfoy Manor for the first time was nerve wracking, looking around the front foyer I could immediately tell it was an immaculately built structure that only a tight nit family could soulfully design. (Gasps Softly) "Wow." Hearing my Godmother talk rather politely with someone or something, I turn my attention to the scene and am stunned to see the beautifully dressed house elf whom takes one look at me and disappears to do as was asked of her. "Who was that."

Bellatrix- (Giggles) Larks childlike curious nature is just everything. "That is Grace, your personal house elf."

Lark- (Nods Understandingly)

Narcissia- (Smiles Brightly) "Let's give you a tour of your home."

Lark- For the next hour I'm lead through all four floors of the manor; bottom (dungeons) to top (attic). Each wing is assigned; Family, Guest and DE. There's the foyer, parlor, sitting room, main living room, family room, dining hall, kitchen, ball room, hall of Ancestry, library, study, three offices, six training rooms, sixty bedrooms including bathrooms, dungeon and attic.

Bellatrix- Standing at the top of the grand staircase as we look down into the main hall. "What do you think?"

Lark- Looking between my Godmother and Aunt whom both look a little less than sane. (Smiles) "It's home."

Bellatrix- (Squeals Delightedly) Without second thought, I hug the child.

Narcissia- Casting a quick charm to check the time. "Your grandfather and uncle should be done doing business, do you wish to talk with them now or later?"

Lark- (Bites Bottom Lip) "Now, please."

Narcissia- (Nods) With a hand resting on the girls shoulder Bella and I lead her down the hall an to the left into the study. (Knocks) "Lucious, Tom?" I slowly open the door, double checking that it's just them.

Tom- The door to the study slowly opens revealing Narcissia. "What is it Narcissia?"

Narcissia- Opening the door further, I guide the girl in. "I was informed by the Goblins at Gringotts of this beautiful young lady as I'm her Godmother." I glance over at my husband and see if he catches on.

Lucious- Looking between my wife and the girl. "Lark, you're home."

Tom- My eyes widen in shock. "Where have you been?" Getting up, I cross the room to where the child stands huddled against Lady Malfoy. "My granddaughter, come here." I hold out my arms to her.

Lark- I hesitantly step towards the man and am suddenly in his embrace. (Sighs Softly)

Bellatrix- Bouncing up and down. "We have to celebrate this great news, where is Severus?"

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