32) Beautiful Devils

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September 3rd/ St Mungo's

Remus- Both Sirius and I got a floo call from a healer at the hospital and let Narcissia know before we both left in a flurry of green flames with the triplets.

Sirius- Once at the hospital, I floo called Lark.

Thirty Minutes Later

Lark- Charlie and I get to the hospital and I check in with a nurse, who points me to my mothers room. I accidentally slam the door open.

Severus- I nearly jump out of my skin when the door is slammed open. "Merlin, girl."

Sirius- Settling the triplets who were startled. "Sorry, I wasn't very specific when I called her."

Lark- (Mumbles) "Sorry."

Remus- (Chuckles) "It's alright cub, I would have done the same thing." Gesturing for her to come over. "Come meet the twins."

Lark- Walking up to the bed as I sit beside mom. (Smiles Brightly) "They are so cute."

Severus- I place both into my daughters arms. "I'm still trying to wrap my head around the fact our kids and grand kids will be going to school together."

Sirius- (Laughs) "Sev baby, that is years away."

Remus- While they are talking I look at the birth certificates;

'Birth Certificate (Official)

Mother; Severus Tobias Snape-Black-Lupin

Father 1; Sirius Orion Black-Lupin

Father 2; Remus John Lupin

Child; Aiden Thomas Prince

D.O.B; September 3rd

Blood Type; Pure

Creature Inheritance; Vampire'

'Birth Certificate (Official)

Mother; Severus Tobias Snape-Black-Lupin

Father 1; Sirius Orion Black-Lupin

Father 2; Remus John Lupin

Child; Eden Bellcissia Prince

D.O.B; September 3rd

Blood Type; Pure

Creature Inheritance; Vampire'

Looking from the documents to the twins rather confused. "Sirius, Sev...the twins?"

Severus- (Frowns)

Sirius- Not liking our Alpha's look. "The twins what?"

Remus- "Their Creature Inheritance, they are both Vampires."

Sirius- All I could do was look at the Werewolf. "Yes an James is a Elf due to Severus, while Lilli is a Kitsune because of me and Kovis a wolf because of you. The twins are Vampires probably because of someone in the family on Sev's side. It happens, the kids can take on dormant Inheritances the parents don't always have."

Remus- (Nods Understandingly)

Lark- Cuddling the little bundles wrapped in pink and blue. "No matter their creature, they are our beautiful devils."

Remus- (Mutters Softly) "That they are."

Charlie- (Smiles Fondly)

Sirius- (Chuckles)

Severus- I have to wipe away the tears that begin to freely fall as I admire the family that is mine.

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